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The project to design and refurbish the Dewan Seri Budiman into a Music Concert Training Hall at UiTM Shah Alam began on 30 September 2019. Alhamdulillah, the work has finally been completed after being delayed for a long time due to the COVID-19…


CTWR Ep.11 akan bersiaran secara langsung di saluran YouTube UiTM bersama Prof. Ts Dr Wardah Tahir dan Muhammad Haqim Zulkifli sebagai tamu panelis yang akan membincangkan topik *“Global Goals: UiTM at the Forefront in Combating Climate Change and…


COFFEE TALK WITH ROZIE 2022 EPISOD 10 BERSAMA PROF MADYA TS. DR. ROSLINDA ALIAS DAN ENCIK MOHAMAD FAIZUL MOHD RUSLAN Kandungan Segar, Diskusi Inklusif! Sekali lagi CTWR 2022 Episod 10 telah mencapai keseimbangan antara kandungan yang santai…


QS Asia University Rankings (QS AUR) uses the following key indicators in its methodology, namely academic reputation, employer reputation, and faculty-to-student ratio, and also takes into account a number of performance metrics that are carefully…


SHAH ALAM, 10 November 2022 – Telah berlangsungnya Majlis Kemuncak Bulan Inovasi dan Kualiti UiTM 2022 di Dewan Berlian, UiTM Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam pada 10 November 2022. Majlis ini dirasmikan oleh YBhg. Profesor Datuk Ts. Dr. Hajah…


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