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SHAH ALAM , 8 NOVEMBER 2022 – UiTM berbangga atas kejayaannya mencapai kedudukan dalam kalangan 14% universiti teratas di Asia seperti yang disenaraikan dalam laporan QS Asia University Rankings (AUR) 2023. Keputusan QS AUR 2023 yang dikeluarkan awal…


04 November 2022 - I am delighted to receive a visit from the Universitas Negeri Malang delegation of eight people led by Dr Moch Yunus. The purpose of this visit is to discuss the signing of the MoU and the planning of activities between the two…


The Academic Leaders Onboarding Programme (ALOP) intends to increase the direct involvement of newly appointed university officials in senior management positions at UiTM. Held at the Institute of Leadership & Development (ILD), Bandar Enstek,…


SHAH ALAM, 3 NOVEMBER 2022 – Satu kerjasama strategik pertama antara Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) melalui Fakulti Pendidikan bersama Cloud Connect Sdn. Bhd. telah dicetuskan melalui satu sesi menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) hari ini.…


SHAH ALAM, 4 NOVEMBER 2022 – Satu acara Open Day and Talent Hunt @ College of Computing and Informatics 2022 telah berlangsung pada hari ini. Perasmian acara ini telah disempurnakan oleh Profesor Datuk Ts Dr Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor, Naib Canselor…
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