25 Ogos 2022 | Halifax, Kanada – KPT terus mempergiatkan usaha menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Hab Pendidikan Global yang bakal menjadi pilihan utama para pelajar antarabangsa dari seluruh pelusuk dunia.
Komitmen yang digalas oleh YB. Datuk Seri Dr.…
Meneruskan lawatan kerja beliau di Kanada, YB. Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad, Menteri Pengajian Tinggi sempat singgah ke Universiti Dalhousie semalam untuk membincangkan peluang kolaborasi penyelidikan antara kedua-dua negara melibatkan bidang…
I am always optimistic, but I am also realistic. The path to achieving GRU2025 is not through sitting around in my office, nor is it through faculty and campus work alone. Resounding success must be achieved through great design. On behalf of UiTM,…
I would like to highlight the achievement of our weightlifter Mohamad Aniq Kasdan, who won the country's first gold medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham recently. Aniq, who was born on 16 June…
I am pleased to receive a courtesy visit to my office from the Chief Executive Officer of Talent Bank, Mr. Ben Ho and his officer Mr. Tong Li Kiat, General Manager (Employer Liaison). At the same time, a meeting was held involving my officers from…