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The Council of Rectors Meeting with the Vice-Chancellor was held on 30 September 2022 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. During the opening session, I shared about leadership and governance, as well as our strategic focus, while emphasising the ESI and iDART…


MEET ASSOC. PROF. TS. DR. ROSLINDA ALIAS, ENCIK MOHAMAD FAIZUL MOHD RUSLAN AND ME ON CTWR EP.10 CTWR Ep.10 will be broadcast live on the UiTM YouTube Channel with Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Roslinda Alias and Encik Mohamad Faizul Mohd Ruslan as…


Pada hari Sabtu, 7 Januari 2023, satu Majlis Penghargaan dan Anugerah Kepimpinan (MAPAM) telah dirasmikan Yang Berbahagia Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor, Naib Canselor UiTM. Majlis anugerah ini adalah anjuran Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar…

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The project to design and refurbish the Dewan Seri Budiman into a Music Concert Training Hall at UiTM Shah Alam began on 30 September 2019. Alhamdulillah, the work has finally been completed after being delayed for a long time due to the COVID-19…


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