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The MoU and MoA between UiTM and Universitas Islam Jakarta (UID), Altakamolia International Training Center (TITC), and Asian-China Education and Culture (ACEC) Association was held on 01 September 2022 at Bangunan Canseleri Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin,…

Universiti Teknologi MARA would like to thank Rizalman Foundation (RI) for the donation of 100 units of laptops presented by the founder himself, YBhg Dato' Rizalman Ibrahim, who is also a member of the UiTM Board of Directors. With the…


Today marks one year since I became Vice-Chancellor of UiTM. Yesterday, a simple ceremony was held in a hybrid mode that allowed me to speak to the entire Keluarga UiTM. In my speech, I emphasised that UiTM is an agent of change for the Malay…


CAMBRIDGE, 25 OGOS 2022 – Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) melalui Institut Penyelidikan Perakaunan (ARI) telah memperkenal dan mengembangkan ilmu kriminologi kewangan ke peringkat antarabangsa dalam satu persidangan yang diadakan di Tritity Hall,…


I would like to thank Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad for its corporate zakat contribution to Universiti Teknologi MARA, which Group Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mohd Muazzam Mohamed presented, on September 2, 2022 in conjunction with the Bank Islam…
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