In a meeting with 5 UiTM start-up companies, I resolved that together, we must ensure that these five companies will flourish to become 50 or more. When that happens, the university will then be established as an entity that empowers the continuing excellence of the nation, one that is respected by all.
We may start small, as long as we keep the goal in mind – to change the way we think and do things. Success may come with 1001 challenges, but we must focus, and remember that rizq (provision) is bestowed by Allah SWT upon His faithful believers.
I trust that the variety of goods produced by UiTM Start-Up Company makes it competitive, therefore we must go the extra mile and push even farther. Hence, I hereby pledge my support and encouragement from the aspects of teaching, learning, and research, publication, commercialisation of research outputs, as well as the formation of networks and transparent governance, in order to establish a distinct UiTM ecosystem.
UiTM is not a B40 university but a University that will transform the B40 communities into a T20 populace, through knowledge and self-determination, In Sha Allah. Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the founders of the following start-up companies:-
1. Dr Aida Mohd Azmi (Start -up) - FAVFOOD INDUSTRIES, founder of Una Coffee. Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Applied Sciences.
2. Dr. Mohd Azri Bin Ab Rani (Start -up) - YOUR SCENTS ENTERPRISE, founder of Azri's Perfume. Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Applied Sciences.
3. Assoc. Prof. Ts Dr. Rahmah Mohamed (Start -up) - RM POLY PACK (M) SDN BHD, manufacturer of BioDegradable Resin and Packaging Products. Associate Professor at Faculty of Applied Sciences.
4. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Zaki Salleh (Start -up) - ZAKESY BIOTECH SDN. BHD for technology Test and Consultation services for Precision Health, Professor at Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE)
5.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanafiah Yusoff (Spin-off)-ROBPRENEUR SDN BHD, owner of Robot-mediated Tele-rehabilitation for Autism Therapy System, Associate Professor at College of Engineering.
In a nutshell, Start-Up Company (Syarikat Pemula) is a company established by UiTM staff with the permission of the University to conduct businesses according to intellectual property licensed by UiTM. The monitoring of Start-up Company will be carried out by UiTM BITCOM (Business Innovation & Technology Commercialization Center) on a regular basis.
Photo by : UiTM BITCOM
Dalam pertemuan dengan 5 syarikat pemula UiTM saya menyatakan kita mesti sama-sama jadikan lima syarikat ini kepada 50 syarikat. Kerana dengan itu akan jadilah universiti tempat memperkasa keupayaan ke arah kesinambungan kecemerlangan bangsa yang disegani semua.
Biar bersederhana langkah permulaannya, tetapi jelas sasarannya iaitu untuk mengubah minda dan cara kerja kita. Untuk berjaya, memang akan datang dengan 1001 dugaan, tetapi kita mesti fokus dan ingatlah bahawa Allah SWT memberi rezeki untuk orang- orang yang berfikir.
Saya percaya, kepelbagaian produk yang dihasilkan oleh Syarikat Pemula UiTM sangat kompetitif, justeru kita mesti membawanya pergi jauh lagi. Untuk itu, saya akan terus memberi sokongan dan galakkan dari aspek pengajaran, Pembelajaran, dan penyelidikan, penulisan, pengkomersilan hasil penyelidikan, serta pembentukan rangkaian dan tadbir urus telus supaya eko-sistem UiTM yang tersendiri diwujudkan.
UiTM bukan universiti B40 tetapi Universiti yang akan mengubah B40 kepada T20, berlandaskan Ilmu dan keyakinan diri, In Sha Allah. Oleh itu, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan tahniah kepada pemilik syarikat pemula berikut :-
1. Dr Aida Mohd Azmi (Start-up) - FAVFOOD INDUSTRIES, pemilik Una Coffee. Pensyarah Kanan di Fakulti Sains Gunaan.
2. Dr. Mohd Azri Bin Ab Rani (Start-up) - YOUR SCENTS ENTERPRISE, pemilik Azri's Perfume. Pensyarah Kanan di Fakulti Sains Gunaan.
3. Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Rahmah Mohamed (Start-up) - RM POLY PACK (M) SDN BHD, pengeluar BioDegradable Resin and Packaging Products. Prof. Madya di Fakulti Sains Gunaan.
4. Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd. Zaki Salleh (Start-up) - ZAKESY BIOTECH SDN. BHD bagi teknologi Test and Consultation services for Precision Health. Profesor di Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE)
5.Prof. Madya Dr. Hanafiah Yusoff (Spin-off) - ROBPRENEUR SDN BHD, pemilik Robot-mediated Tele-rehabilitation for Autism Therapy System. Prof. Madya di Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan.
Sebagai informasi ringkas, Syarikat Pemula (Start-Up) adalah syarikat ditubuhkan oleh staf UiTM dengan kebenaran Universiti bagi menjalankan perniagaan mengikut harta intelek yang dilesenkan dari UiTM. Sementara Pemantauan Syarikat Pemula akan dilaksanakan oleh UiTM BITCOM (Business Innovation & Technology Commercialisation Centre) secara berkala.
Foto oleh : UiTM BITCOM
“MULTIPLY THE CAPACITY OF UiTM START-UP COMPANIES,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 23, 2025,