MSN Agrees To Be A Strategic Partner And Sponsor 20 UiTM Students For "SPORTS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE" Certification.
MSN Agrees To Be A Strategic Partner And Sponsor 20 UiTM Students For "SPORTS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE" Certification.
On 14 July, I met with Dato' Ahmad Shapawi Ismail, the Director General of the National Sports Council (MSN). He presented a formal agreement on UiTM's intention to invite the MSN as a strategic partner of UiTM and Oxentia Oxford University to implement the professional certification programme for "Sports Social Enterprise".
As part of this collaboration, MSN has agreed to sponsor 20 UiTM students to attend the course in the UK and to cover the cost of the attendance fee of £2400 per person. Following this, MSN and UiTM will sign a Memorandum of Understanding that will define their collaboration in terms of branding, programme management, appointment of facilitators, opportunities for the young athletes to pursue higher education, access to sports facilities, and research into sports social enterprise for the development of national sports industry policy.
The UiTM-MSN-Oxentia Oxford University strategic collaboration aims to strengthen the sports industry through higher education and produce a future generation of transformative and competitive sports managers. The programme will be managed and coordinated by the Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation (FSR). It is a continuation of the UiTM delegation's visit to the UK last April to achieve our common GRU2025 goals through sport. ~ RT.
Pada 14 Julai yang lalu, saya telah bertemu dengan Dato’ Ahmad Shapawi Ismail, Ketua Pengarah Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN). Beliau telah menyampaikan persetujuan rasmi mengenai hasrat UiTM menjemput pihak MSN untuk menjadi rakan strategik UiTM dan Oxentia Oxford University bagi melaksanakan pensijilan profesional “Sports Social Enterprise”.
Menerusi kerjasama ini, MSN telah bersetuju untuk menaja 20 orang pelajar UiTM ke United Kingdom untuk mengikuti kursus tersebut dengan membiayai kos yuran penyertaan sejumlah £2400 seorang. Seterusnya, MSN dan UiTM akan menandatangi MoU bagi memperincikan kerjasama tersebut dari aspek penjenamaan, tadbir urus program, pelantikan pegawai fasilitator program, peluang melanjutkan pengajian di kalangan atlet-atlet pelapis di peringat pengajian tinggi, akses kemudahan serta fasiliti sukan, dan penyelidikan berkaitan Sports Social Enterprise bagi tujuan pembangunan dasar industri sukan negara.
Gabungan strategik di antara UiTM-MSN-Oxentia Oxford University diharapkan dapat memperkasa industri sukan menerusi pendidikan tinggi yang akan melahirkan generasi pengurusan sukan yang transformatif dan berdaya saing di masa hadapan. Program ini akan diuruskan dan dikoordinasikan oleh Fakulti Sains Sukan & Rekreasi (FSR). Ia adalah kesinambungan dari hasil lawatan delegasi UiTM ke United Kingdom pada April lalu bagi mencapai aspirasi bersama GRU2025 kita menerusi sukan. ~RT
“MSN Agrees To Be A Strategic Partner And Sponsor 20 UiTM Students For "SPORTS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE" Certification.,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed January 19, 2025,