Student Device Initiative Stands As Proof Of Concern Towards Keluarga Malaysia


Student Device Initiative Stands As Proof Of Concern Towards Keluarga Malaysia


Held at Dewan Agung Tuanku Canselor, UiTM Shah Alam. On September 3, 2022, YAB Prime Minister Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob launched the Malaysian Family Student Device initiative (Peranti Siswa Keluarga Malaysia) - a programme led by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (K-KOMM).
The Minister of K-KOMM, YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima TPr Annuar Haji Musa said 400,000 units of devices had been purchased for this initiative, which would be distributed in phases. Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad, Minister of MoHE, said the Peranti Siswa programme will enable students to attend classes online more easily. This is because 75% of higher education programmes have now been upgraded to blended learning from 2021. In addition, digital devices and internet connectivity have been prioritised in the National Higher Education Digitization Plan.
During the launch speech, YAB Prime Minister announced that 1) students will be given devices permanently. So, they are not obliged to return them, 2) The government has decided to extend the registration period for the Keluarga Malaysia youth package. This affordable prepaid phone package has been introduced specifically for youth and tertiary students, including postgraduate students. 3) To ensure the welfare of students, the Keluarga Malaysia Aspirations Tour will be extended to universities across the country. The Keluarga Malaysia on-campus sales programme will relieve students from the burden of rising costs.
In the first phase at the launch ceremony, a total of 427 students under MoHE, 90 students under MoE and 52 students under MOTAC received the devices from YAB Prime Minister.
Through this effort, Peranti Siswa Keluarga Malaysia aims to help every student who qualifies. The Student Representative Council, which is very close to the students, is given a role in the screening and distribution. This programme has been found to be effective in assisting students in their academic and learning activities. ~RT
For registration visit

Bertempat di Dewan Agung Tuanku Canselor, UiTM Shah Alam. Pada 03 Septemebr 2022, YAB Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob telah melancarkan inisiatif Peranti Siswa Keluarga Malaysia yang diterajui oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia (K-KOMM).
Menteri K-KOMM, YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima TPr Annuar Haji Musa memaklumkan 400,000 unit peranti diperolehi dalam menjayakan inisiatif ini yang akan diedarkan secara berperingkat mengikut fasa. Dalam pada itu Menteri KPT, Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad menyatakan inisiatif Peranti Siswa akan memudahkan mahasiswa menjalani aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara dalam talian. Ini adalah kerana bermula tahun 2021, 75% program pengajian ditingkatkan secara mod pembelajaran teradun (blended learning mode). Tambahan pula, aspek keperluan peranti dan akses internet juga dijadikan sebagai satu fokus dalam Pelan Pendigitalan Pendidikan Tinggi Negara.
Semasa ucapan pelancaran YAB Perdana Menteri mengumumkan 1) peranti diberikan terus kepada mahasiswa tanpa perlu mengembalikannya. 2) kerajaan bersetuju memanjangkan tempoh pendaftaran pakej remaja Keluarga Malaysia. Pakej prabayar mampu milik tersebut adalah khusus untuk golongan remaja dan mahasiswa termasuk pelajar pascasiswazah. 3) Program Jelajah Keluarga Malaysia diperluaskan ke kampus-kampus demi kebajikan mahasiswa. Penganjuran Program Jualan Keluarga Malaysia di kampus dapat mengurangkan beban mahasiswa terhadap tekanan harga barangan yang tinggi.
Dalam fasa pertama semasa pelancaran, seramai 427 mahasiswa di bawah KPT, 90 mahasiswa di bawah KPM dan 52 mahasiswa di bawah MOTAC menerima peranti dari YAB Perdana Menteri.
Peranti Siswa mensasarkan setiap mahasiswa yang berkeperluan dapat menerima manfaat daripada inisiatif ini. Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar yang sememangnya dekat dekat dengan mahasiswa pula diberikan peranan dalam memudah cara proses pengesahan dan pemberian. Usaha ini ternyata dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam aktiviti akademik dan pembelajaran mereka. ~RT








“Student Device Initiative Stands As Proof Of Concern Towards Keluarga Malaysia,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 13, 2025,

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