Celebrating And Honoring APC And MJD Recipients From 18 Departments


Celebrating And Honoring APC And MJD Recipients From 18 Departments


On October 7, 2022, the Vice Chancellor's office and Departments under the Vice Chancellor hosted a 2-in-1 dinner at Anjung Sri Budiman, UiTM Shah Alam. An Appreciation dinner for recipients of the Excellent Service Award (APC) and Majlis Jasamu Dikenang dinner for retiring staff, dedicated service personnel, and those who have transferred to other departments.
We celebrated these 50 APC recipients and 31 staff members for their dedicated service to UiTM for 20 years, 25 years, and 30 years, respectively, including those who opted for early retirement and mandatory retirement. In addition, 9 staff members who have transferred to other departments were present.
With the theme "Contemporary Traditional", the event uniquely features a teapot combined with traditional elements, contemporary pop colours, and performances. Inspired by the tea ceremony, the teapot symbolically represents a gift of respect and appreciation from the host to the guests.
The event involved 18 departments under the purview of the Vice Chancellor, namely the Vice Chancellor's Office (VCO), the Legal Advisor's Office (PUU), Perpustakan Tun Abdul Razak (UiTM Library), the University Transformation Division (BTU), the Institute for Quality & Knowledge Advancement ( InQKA), Malaysian SMEs & Entrepreneurship Development Academy (MASMED), Communications Department (JK), Islamic Affairs Division (BHEI), Zakat, Alms and Waqf Division (ZAWAF), Internal Audit Division (BAD), UiTM Auxiliary Police Headquarters (IPPB), Chair of the Malay Monarchs Institute (KIRRM), Galeri Seni Tuanku Nur Zahirah (GESTURZ), Integrity Unit (UI), Disability Support Services (UPO), Endowment Unit (UE), Risk Management Unit (UPR), and Reserve Officer Training Unit (PALAPES).
Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated these recipients.
to the organizing team led by Dr Wan Ismahanini Ismail, Senior Deputy Registrar of the Vice-Chancellor's Office, and supported by officers representing 18 departments under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor.~RT
Majlis penghargaan penerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC), staf yang bersara dan staf khidmat setia (Majlis Jasamu Dikenang-MJD) serta staf yang bertukar jabatan telah diadakan pada 07 Oktober 2022 bertempat di Anjung Sri Budiman, UiTM Shah Alam.
50 orang penerima APC, 31 orang staf diraikan atas perkhidmatan setia mereka dengan UiTM selama 20 tahun, 25 tahun dan 30 tahun di samping mereka yang bersara wajib dan pilihan serta 9 orang staf yang telah bertukar jabatan turut hadir ke majlis.
Bertemakan “Tradisional Kontemporari”, uniknya acara ini menampilkan visual teko yang digabungkan dengan motif tradisional bersama warna pop segar dan persembahan. Ia diilhamkan daripada upacara minum teh yang secara simboliknya mewakili hadiah penghormatan dan penghargaan daripada tuan rumah kepada tetamu jemputan.
Majlis yang diadakan melibat 18 Pusat Tanggungjawab di bawah seliaan Naib Canselor iaitu Pejabat Naib Canselor (PNC), Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang (PUU), Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR), Bahagian Transformasi Universiti (BTU), Institut Kualiti & Pengembangan Ilmu (InQKA), Akademi PKS & Pembangunan Keusahawanan Malaysia (MASMED), Jabatan Komunikasi (JK), Bahagian Hal Ehwal Islam (BHEI), Bahagian Zakat, Sedekah dan Wakaf (ZAWAF), Bahagian Audit Dalam (BAD), Ibu Pejabat Polis Bantuan UiTM (IPPB), Kursi Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu (KIRRM), Galeri Seni Tuanku Nur Zahirah (GESTURZ), Unit Integriti (UI), Unit Perkhidmatan OKU (UPO), Unit Endowmen (UE), Unit Pengurusan Risiko (UPR), dan Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES).
Terima kasih kepada semua jemputan yang hadir. Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada jawatankuasa penganjur yang dipengerusikan oleh Dr Wan Ismahanini Ismail, Timbalan Pendaftar Kanan Pejabat Naib Canselor dibantu oleh para pegawai yang mewakili 18 Pusat Tanggungjawab di bawah seliaan Naib Canselor. ~RT








“Celebrating And Honoring APC And MJD Recipients From 18 Departments,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 3, 2025, https://mindanc.uitm.edu.my/items/show/340.

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