A Courtesy Call From The International Balkan University


A Courtesy Call From The International Balkan University


18 October 2022 - I had the great pleasure of welcoming the International Balkan University (IBU) delegation. The session was held in conjunction with the ‘Merging of Two Cultures through Visual Arts: An Art Preview and Sharing Session’ by Guests Artists from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and International Balkan University (IBU), namely, 1. Syafiq Abdul Samat – Lecturer, UiTM Kedah Branch 2. Nazri Abu Bakar – Lecturer, UiTM Kedah Branch and 1. Professor Fehim Huskovic – Lecturer, IBU 2. Professor Trajce Blazevski – Lecturer, IBU and 3. Professor Dzemil Bektovic – Dean, Faculty of Art & Design, IBU (Head of Delegation).

Dr Emir Hadzikadunic, a Distinguished Fellow from the Faculty of Administrative Science & Policy Studies UiTM, accompanied the IBU delegation and acted as an interpreter during the visit. Meanwhile, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Azhari Md Hashim, the Deputy Rector (Research & Network), UiTM Kedah Branch, Prof. Dr Shahriman Zainal Abidin (Assistant Vice-Chancellor, UiTM Global), Dr Hajah Zainab Mohd Noor, Director of International Affairs Department (DIA), and Ms. Noriza Arzain, Fellow (Curatorial Affairs), UiTM GESTURZ were also in attendance.

18 Oktober 2022 - Saya berbesar hati mengalu-alukan kunjungan hormat delegasi dari International Balkan University. Sesi tersebut diadakan bersempena ‘Merging of Two Cultures through Visual Arts : An Art Preview and Sharing Session’ oleh Seniman Tamu dari Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) dan International Balkan University (IBU), iaitu, 1. Syafiq Abdul Samat – Pensyarah, UiTM Cawangan Kedah 2. Nazri Abu Bakar – Pensyarah, UiTM Cawangan Kedah dan 1. Profesor Fehim Huskovic – Pensyarah, IBU 2. Profesor Trajce Blazevski – Pensyarah, IBU dan 3. Profesor Dzemil Bektovic – Dekan, Fakulti Seni Lukis & Seni Reka, IBU (Ketua Delegasi).

Delegasi IBU turut diiringi Dr Emir Hadzikadunic, Felo Kehormat Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran & Pengajian Polisi UiTM, yang bertindak sebagai jurubahasa semasa lawatan tersebut. Sementara, Prof Madya Ts. Dr Azhari Md Hashim, Timbalan Rektor (Penyelidikan & Jaringan), UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Prof Dr Shahriman Zainal Abidin (Penolong Naib Canselor, UiTM Global), Dr Hajah Zainab Mohd Noor, Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa ( DIA), dan Puan Noriza Arzain, Felo (Hal Ehwal Kuratorial), UiTM GESTURZ turut hadir semasa lawatan berlangsung. ~RT







“A Courtesy Call From The International Balkan University,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 7, 2025, https://mindanc.uitm.edu.my/items/show/355.

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