Universiti Teknologi Mara Receives Outstanding University Excellence Awards At The 2023 National Education & Learning Summit


Universiti Teknologi Mara Receives Outstanding University Excellence Awards At The 2023 National Education & Learning Summit


On July 13, 2023, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) was honored with the prestigious Outstanding University Excellence Awards at the 2023 National Education & Learning Summit (NELS) held at Berjaya Times Square Hotel. The annual summit, themed "Future-Ready Education for a Future-Capable Society," brought together education experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the state of Malaysian education and its readiness for an ever-changing digital world.
The summit's opening ceremony commenced at 9:15 am in Manhattan III, Level 14, with welcome addresses by Tan Sri Michael Yeoh, President of KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific, and Ms. Lau Wai Cheng, Deputy President of the National Association of Private Educational Institutions (NAPEI). The special keynote address was delivered by YB Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn, Minister for Education, Innovation, and Talent Development of Sarawak. During the ceremony, the Conferment of Awards took place, recognizing institutions that have made remarkable contributions to the advancement of education in Malaysia.
UiTM stood out as a beacon of excellence in higher education, receiving the Outstanding University Excellence Award in recognition of its commitment to academic excellence, research, and student development. The award highlighted UiTM's significant contributions to shaping the future of education in Malaysia.
The event continued with a series of engaging sessions, including a special address by Datuk Seri Mohamed Iqbal Rawther, Deputy Chairman of the KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific, and a speech by Prof. Dr. Maszlee bin Malik, former Malaysian Minister of Education and Chairman of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS), Malaysia.
Among the notable sessions, the "Vice-Chancellor Roundtable: Higher Education Post GE15" brought together higher education institutions (HEIs) to discuss the impact of recent government policies and provide valuable feedback. Prof. Zita Mohd. Fahmi, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Quest International University Perak, and Prof Dato' Dr. Ansary Ahmed, Founder President of Asia e University (AeU), were among the distinguished panelists who shared their perspectives on the future of higher education in Malaysia.
The parallel sessions on early childhood education (ECE) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) discussed ways to ensure quality education and promote access to ECE, as well as strategies to elevate TVET as a desirable career option and adapt to technological advancements.
UiTM's selection as an Outstanding University at the NELS 2023 demonstrates its dedication to academic excellence and producing graduates who are prepared for the future. The university's commitment to providing a holistic education that prepares students for the digital age is perfectly aligned with the summit's theme of "Future-Ready Education for a Future-Capable Society."
As a recipient of the Outstanding University Excellence Awards, UiTM continues to lead the way in shaping Malaysia's education landscape and making significant contributions to the nation's development. The recognition serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for the university to uphold its commitment to excellence in education and innovation for years to come.
Pada 13 Julai 2023, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) telah menerima Anugerah Keunggulan Universiti Cemerlang yang berprestij di Sidang Kemuncak Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Kebangsaan (NELS) 2023 yang diadakan di Berjaya Times Square Hotel. Sidang kemuncak tahunan itu, bertemakan "Pendidikan Yang Bersedia Untuk Masa Depan adalah untuk Masyarakat Berkebolehan Masa Depan," mengumpulkan pakar pendidikan, penggubal dasar, dan pihak berkepentingan untuk membincangkan keadaan pendidikan Malaysia dan kesediaannya untuk dunia digital yang sentiasa berubah.
Majlis perasmian sidang kemuncak itu bermula pada jam 9:15 pagi di Manhattan III, Tingkat 14, dengan ucapan alu-aluan oleh Tan Sri Michael Yeoh, Presiden Institut Strategik KSI bagi Asia Pasifik, dan Cik Lau Wai Cheng, Timbalan Presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Institusi Pendidikan Swasta (NAPEI). Ucaptama khas telah disampaikan oleh YB Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn, Menteri Pendidikan, Inovasi dan Pembangunan Bakat Sarawak. Pada majlis itu, Penyampaian Anugerah berlangsung, mengiktiraf institusi yang telah memberikan sumbangan luar biasa kepada kemajuan pendidikan di Malaysia.
UiTM menonjol sebagai mercu tanda kecemerlangan pendidikan tinggi, menerima Anugerah Keunggulan Universiti Cemerlang sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap komitmennya terhadap kecemerlangan akademik, penyelidikan, dan pembangunan pelajar. Anugerah ini menyerlahkan sumbangan besar UiTM dalam membentuk masa depan pendidikan di Malaysia.
Majlis diteruskan dengan beberapa siri sesi libat urus, antaranya ucapan khas oleh Datuk Seri Mohamed Iqbal Rawther, Timbalan Pengerusi Institut Strategik KSI bagi Asia Pasifik, dan ucapan Prof. Dr. Maszlee bin Malik, mantan Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia dan Pengerusi International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS), Malaysia.
Antara sesi penting ialah "Meja Bulat Naib Canselor: Pendidikan Tinggi Pasca PRU15" menghimpunkan institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) untuk membincangkan kesan dasar kerajaan baru-baru ini dan memberikan maklum balas yang berharga. Prof. Zita Mohd. Fahmi, Naib Canselor dan Ketua Eksekutif Quest International University Perak, dan Prof Dato' Dr. Ansary Ahmed, Presiden Pengasas Asia e University (AeU), adalah antara ahli panel terhormat yang berkongsi perspektif mereka mengenai masa depan pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia.
Sesi selari mengenai pendidikan awal kanak-kanak (ECE) dan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) membincangkan cara-cara untuk memastikan pendidikan berkualiti dan menggalakkan akses kepada ECE, serta strategi untuk meningkatkan TVET sebagai pilihan kerjaya yang diingini dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kemajuan teknologi.
Pemilihan UiTM sebagai Universiti Cemerlang di NELS 2023 menunjukkan dedikasinya terhadap kecemerlangan akademik dan melahirkan graduan yang bersedia untuk masa depan. Komitmen universiti untuk menyediakan pendidikan holistik yang menyediakan pelajar untuk era digital adalah sejajar dengan tema sidang kemuncak "Pendidikan Yang Bersedia Untuk Masa Depan adalah untuk Masyarakat Berkebolehan Masa Depan."
Sebagai penerima Anugerah Keunggulan Universiti Cemerlang, UiTM terus menerajui usaha membentuk landskap pendidikan Malaysia dan memberi sumbangan besar kepada pembangunan negara. Pengiktirafan ini menjadi sumber inspirasi dan motivasi kepada universiti untuk menegakkan komitmennya terhadap kecemerlangan pendidikan dan inovasi untuk tahun-tahun akan datang.







“Universiti Teknologi Mara Receives Outstanding University Excellence Awards At The 2023 National Education & Learning Summit,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 18, 2025, https://mindanc.uitm.edu.my/items/show/485.

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