Grateful and Excited: Embarking on a Journey to the World University President Forum in Beijing, China


Grateful and Excited: Embarking on a Journey to the World University President Forum in Beijing, China


I stand before you today with immense gratitude and excitement as I share the news of my invitation to attend the World University President Forum (WUPF) in Beijing, China from July 29-31, 2023. This prestigious event is co-hosted by the China Association of Higher Education, Peking University, and Tsinghua University, and I am honored to have been given this incredible opportunity.
First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the Malaysian Embassy, Education Section (Education Malaysia Beijing), Encik Muhammad Sallehuddin bin Mohd Dilif, Counsellor (Education), and the entire crew for their exceptional hospitality during my stay in Beijing. Their warm welcome and support have made my experience truly unforgettable.
My voyage to this forum begins with an exploration of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Mutianyu Great Wall of China in Huairou County, 73 kilometers (45 miles) north of central Beijing, connecting the Jiankou Great Wall in the west and the Gubeikou Great Wall in the east. It makes me wonder how people at that time were able to build such a masterpiece.
The World University President Forum brings together 72 speakers from UNESCO and renowned universities worldwide. We are privileged to have distinguished institutions such as University College London, New York University, Zhejiang University, and the Australian National University among us, just to name a few. Moreover, 205 prominent participants are attending this significant gathering, making it a truly global platform for cooperation and exchange.
The main objectives of this forum are to establish a platform for international university cooperation and exchanges, explore effective strategies for universities to operate in challenging times, share practical experiences in adapting to change, foster collaboration among universities, researchers, teachers, and students, as well as provide insights into the advancement of universities during difficult periods. The theme of this year's forum is 'An Era of Transformation and the Mission of Universities,' highlighting the crucial role of universities in shaping our ever-changing world.
Five key topics are addressed during the forum:
1. Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization of Education, and the Future of Higher Education.
2. Future Required Competence for Talents and the Transformation of Training Mode.
3. Academic Responsibility and Innovative Development of Global Universities.
4. Challenges and Innovation of Sustainable Development of Universities.
5. University cooperation and exchanges under the vision of a community of shared future.
On the first day of the event, I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Education, in a roundtable conversation together with other presidents or vice-chancellors.
I am humbled to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the conversation on Challenges and Innovation in University Sustainable Development during the summit. Specifically, I am focusing on the topic of 'How to Ensure the
Financial Sustainability of Public Universities?' This topic is of great importance, as financial sustainability is crucial for the growth and success of universities in the long run.
During the forum, I had the privilege of meeting and engaging with various foreign partners of UiTM, including the President and International Office Officer of Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University (QVTU) in China. It was truly inspiring to interact with partners who share similar values and goals with UiTM, and I believe these connections will pave the way for fruitful collaborations in the future.
Moreover, I had the honor of networking with the President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Ottawa, the Rector of the University of Macau, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of New South Wales, the Provost of Universitas 21, the President of Hebei University, the National University of Singapore, the University of Havana, and the President of the City University of Hong Kong. These interactions have not only expanded my professional network but have also opened doors for more collaborations and knowledge-sharing.
During my time at the forum, I also had the opportunity to introduce my latest book, 'CTWR Coffee Talk with Rozie at the Forefront of Internalising the Global Goals,' to the Permanent Delegation of the People's Republic of China to UNESCO. It was an honor to share my work with such esteemed individuals and organizations. Additionally, I had the privilege of being interviewed by China Central Television (CCTV), China's national television broadcaster, where I had the chance to share my thoughts on important topics. These experiences have undoubtedly enhanced my understanding and enriched my personal growth.
Furthermore, I had the pleasure of participating in various visit activities organized by the China Association of Higher Education, Peking University, and Tsinghua University. These visits included trips to Huairou Science City, Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. These experiences allowed me to witness firsthand the incredible advancements and innovation taking place in China's higher education landscape.
As I reflect on these incredible experiences, I am filled with a sense of pride for UiTM and its potential to become a Globally Renowned University by 2025. The support and opportunities provided by this platform will undoubtedly contribute to our university's growth and success on the international stage.
In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere hope that UiTM will continue to receive similar opportunities to participate in esteemed programs in the future. Through international collaborations, knowledge-sharing, and innovation, we can strive for excellence and make significant contributions to the global higher education community.
Thank you all for your attention, and I wish you all a prosperous and successful future.
Bersyukur dan Teruja: Permulaan suatu Perjalanan ke Forum Presiden Universiti Dunia di Beijing, China
Dengan penuh kesyukuran dan kegembiraan, saya berdiri di hadapan anda hari ini kerana saya ingin berkongsi berita jemputan saya menghadiri Forum Presiden Universiti Dunia (WUPF) di Beijing, China dari 29-31 Julai 2023. Acara berprestij ini adalah anjuran bersama Persatuan Pengajian Tinggi China, Universiti Peking, dan Universiti Tsinghua, dan saya berbesar hati kerana diberi peluang yang luar biasa ini.
Terlebih dahulu saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Kedutaan Besar Malaysia, Seksyen Pendidikan Malaysia (Education Malaysia Beijing), Encik Muhammad Sallehuddin bin Mohd Dilif, Kaunselor (Pendidikan) dan seluruh staf atas layanan luar biasa sepanjang saya berada di Beijing. Sambutan dan sokongan hangat mereka telah menjadikan pengalaman saya benar-benar tidak dapat dilupakan.
Perjalanan saya ke forum ini bermula dengan penerokaan salah satu daripada tujuh keajaiban dunia purba, Tembok Besar Cina Mutianyu di daerah Huairou, 73 kilometer (45 batu) utara tengah Beijing, menghubungkan Tembok Besar Jiankou di barat dan Tembok Besar Gubeikou di timur. Ia membuatkan saya tertanya-tanya bagaimana manusia di zaman itu dapat membina karya agung sedemikian.
Forum Presiden Universiti Dunia menghimpunkan 72 orang penceramah dari UNESCO dan universiti terkenal di seluruh dunia. Kami beruntung dengan kehadiran institusi pengajian tinggi yang terkenal seperti University College London, New York University, Zhejiang University, dan Australian National University di kalangan kami, hanya menamakan kehadiran beberapa universiti terkemuka. Selain itu, 205 orang peserta kehormat menghadiri perhimpunan penting ini, menjadikan platform ini benar-benar global untuk kerjasama dan pertukaran.
Objektif utama forum ini adalah untuk mewujudkan platform kerjasama dan pertukaran universiti antarabangsa, meneroka strategi yang berkesan untuk universiti beroperasi dalam masa yang mencabar, berkongsi pengalaman praktikal dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan, memupuk kerjasama di kalangan universiti, penyelidik, guru, dan pelajar, serta memberikan pandangan mengenai kemajuan universiti dalam tempoh yang sukar. Tema forum tahun ini ialah 'Era Transformasi dan Misi Universiti,' yang menekankan peranan penting universiti dalam membentuk dunia yang sentiasa berubah.
Lima topik utama ditangani semasa forum:
1. Kecerdasan Buatan, Pendigitalan Pendidikan, dan Masa Depan Pendidikan Tinggi.
2. Kecekapan masa depan yang diperlukan untuk bakat dan transformasi mod latihan.
3. Tanggungjawab Akademik dan Pembangunan Inovatif Universiti Global.
4. Cabaran dan Inovasi Pembangunan Mampan Universiti.
5. Kerjasama dan pertukaran universiti di bawah visi komuniti masa depan bersama.
Pada hari pertama acara, saya berkesempatan bertemu dengan Encik Huai Jinpeng, Menteri Pendidikan negara China, dalam perbualan meja bulat bersama lain-lain presiden atau naib canselor.
Saya, dengan rasa rendah hati, telah diberi peluang untuk menyumbang kepada perbincangan mengenai Cabaran dan Inovasi dalam Pembangunan Lestari Universiti semasa sidang kemuncak itu. Khususnya, saya memberi tumpuan kepada topik 'Cara Memastikan Kelestarian Kewangan Universiti Awam?' Topik ini sangat penting, kerana kemampanan kewangan adalah penting untuk pertumbuhan dan kejayaan universiti dalam jangka masa panjang.
Semasa forum itu, saya berpeluang bertemu dan terlibat dengan pelbagai rakan perkongsian luar UiTM, termasuk Presiden dan Pegawai Pejabat Antarabangsa Universiti Vokasional dan Teknikal Quanzhou (QVTU) di China. Ia benar-benar memberi inspirasi untuk berinteraksi dengan rakan-rakan kongsi yang berkongsi nilai dan matlamat yang sama dengan UiTM, dan saya percaya hubungan ini akan membuka jalan untuk kerjasama yang bermanfaat pada masa akan datang.
Selain itu, saya mendapat penghormatan menjalin rangkaian dengan Presiden dan Naib Canselor University of Ottawa, Rektor University of Macau, Timbalan Naib Canselor Universiti New South Wales, Provost Universitas 21, Presiden Hebei University, National University of Singapore, University of Havana, dan Presiden City University of Hong Kong. Interaksi ini bukan sahaja telah mengembangkan rangkaian jalinan profesional saya tetapi juga telah membuka pintu untuk lebih banyak kerjasama dan perkongsian pengetahuan.
Semasa saya di forum ini, saya juga berpeluang memperkenalkan buku terbaru saya, 'CTWR Coffee Talk with Rozie at the Forefront of Internalising the Global Goals,' kepada Delegasi Tetap Republik Rakyat China ke UNESCO. Ia adalah satu penghormatan untuk berkongsi kerja saya dengan individu dan organisasi yang dihormati. Selain itu, saya berpeluang ditemuramah oleh China Central Television (CCTV), penyiar televisyen nasional China, di mana saya berpeluang berkongsi pendapat saya mengenai topik penting. Pengalaman ini sudah pasti meningkatkan pemahaman saya dan memperkayakan perkembangan diri.
Selain itu, saya berpeluang menyertai pelbagai aktiviti lawatan anjuran Persatuan Pendidikan Tinggi China, Peking University dan Tsinghua University. Lawatan ini termasuk lawatan ke Kota Sains Huairou, Institut Tenaganano dan Sistemnano Beijing, Akademi Sains China, dan Universiti Akademi Sains China. Pengalaman ini membolehkan saya menyaksikan sendiri kemajuan dan inovasi yang luar biasa yang berlaku dalam landskap pendidikan tinggi China.
Melihat kepada pengalaman luar biasa ini, saya berasa amat bangga dengan UiTM dan potensinya untuk menjadi sebuah Universiti Ternama Di Peringkat Global menjelang tahun 2025. Sokongan dan peluang yang disediakan oleh platform ini sudah pasti akan menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan dan kejayaan universiti kita di pentas antarabangsa.
Kesimpulannya, saya ingin menyatakan hasrat ikhlas saya agar UiTM terus menerima peluang yang sama untuk menyertai program-program terkemuka pada masa akan datang. Melalui kerjasama antarabangsa, perkongsian pengetahuan, dan inovasi, kita boleh berusaha untuk mencapai kecemerlangan dan membuat sumbangan penting kepada komuniti pendidikan tinggi global.
Terima kasih atas perhatian anda, dan saya berharap anda semua menikmati masa depan yang makmur dan berjaya.







“Grateful and Excited: Embarking on a Journey to the World University President Forum in Beijing, China,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 4, 2025,

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