Vice-Chancellor Accompanied By 30 Office Staff Embarked On A Work Visit To The National University Of Singapore
Vice-Chancellor Accompanied By 30 Office Staff Embarked On A Work Visit To The National University Of Singapore
From September 24th to 26th, 2023, the Vice-Chancellor's Office staff and I recently embarked on a work visit to the National University of Singapore (NUS). This marked the first time ever that the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)'s Office of the Vice-Chancellor staff had visited a university outside of Malaysia. The trip saw the participation of 30 members from the office including one representative from each department in the Chancellery building.
The journey started on September 24th, when the participants boarded a UiTM bus from the UiTM Institute of Training and Development (ILD) at Nilai to Johor Bharu. After undergoing the necessary immigration procedures at the Sultan Iskandar Customs, Immigrations and Quarantines Complex (CIQ), the group then made their way to Platform 12 of CIQ, where they were greeted by another chartered bus that took them across the Tebrau Strait and into Singapore. The participants arrived at their accommodation, Clover Hotel in Kampong Glam, at 10:30 pm.
The highlight of the visit was on September 25th, when the Vice-Chancellor's Office staff visited the National University of Singapore (NUS). The main purpose of the visit was to gain valuable insights into the best practices and operations of the NUS Chancellery. NUS, renowned for its excellence in education, has continually set remarkable benchmarks in various aspects of academia and administration. Thus, the Vice-Chancellor's Office staff aimed to observe and learn from NUS's successful strategies.
The objectives of the visit were as follows:
1. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the administrative structure, decision-making processes, and innovative approaches employed by NUS to effectively manage its Chancellery.
2. To learn from NUS's best practices and gather knowledge and ideas that would contribute to enhancing their own administrative practices.
3. To identify potential areas of improvement within their own organization by studying successful methodologies used by institutions like NUS.
The meeting venue for the visit was at NUS Central Library's Seminar Room, with the NUS representative, Mr. Ng Ching Shiang, and Ms Jamie Tai welcoming the delegation at the lobby. The participants were taken on a campus tour around NUS Utown, during which they were introduced to the impressive concepts and student-focused approach that NUS adopts.
One of the most notable features of NUS is its student-centered approach. The university provides numerous spaces, self-service facilities, and self-operated studios, all managed by the students themselves. Robots are even used as auxiliary or security officers on campus. Additionally, NUS organizes its university colleges based on students' specialized curricula, focusing on global designed thinking. Professors stay in close proximity to the colleges or reside in the same apartments, allowing for easy access to students and close mentoring.
During the briefings session by Associate Professor Loh Wai Lam, Acsdemic Director of Global Relation, he highlighted that NUS has an impressive student employability rate of 95-100%. The university also offers a grant of SGD 180,000.00 to new associate professors to conduct research, start-up companies, and foster innovation, without any bonded restrictions or conditions. These factors, among many others, contributed to the participants' overwhelming admiration for NUS.
The three-hour visit proved to be an eye-opener for all the Vice-Chancellor's Office staff members, who were impressed by NUS's achievements. The participants unanimously agreed that NUS deserved its position as one of the top 10 universities in the world rankings.
The trip concluded on September 26th, with the Vice-Chancellor's Office staff departing Singapore and returning to Malaysia.
Overall, the visit to NUS provided valuable insights and inspiration for the Vice-Chancellor's Office staff at UiTM, who are determined to implement innovative strategies and adopt successful methodologies to enhance their own administrative practices and provide an enhanced experience to their stakeholders.
Bermula 24 hingga 26 September 2023, saya dan 30 staf Pejabat Naib Canselor (NC) di Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) baru-baru ini memulakan lawatan kerja ke Universiti Nasional Singapura (NUS) . Ini merupakan lawatan kerja kali pertama bagi staf Pejabat NC melawat universiti di luar Malaysia. Perjalanan itu menyaksikan penyertaan seramai 30 orang ahli dari Pejabat NC sendiri dan wakil daripada setiap jabatan di Canseleri, UiTM.
Perjalanan bermula pada 24 September, apabila peserta menaiki bas UiTM dari Institut Kepimpinan dan Pembangunan (ILD) UiTM di Nilai ke Johor Bharu. Selepas menjalani prosedur imigresen yang diperlukan di Kompleks Sultan Iskandar Kastam, Imigresen, dan Kuarantin (CIQ), kumpulan itu kemudiannya menuju ke Platfom12 CIQ, di mana mereka disambut oleh bas sewa lain yang membawa mereka menyeberangi Selat Tebrau dan ke Singapura. Para peserta tiba di penginapan mereka, Clover Hotel di Kampong Glam, pada jam 10:30 malam.
Kemuncak lawatan itu adalah pada 25 September, apabila staf Pejabat Naib Canselor melawat Universiti Nasional Singapura (NUS). Tujuan utama lawatan itu adalah untuk mendapatkan pandangan berharga tentang amalan terbaik dan operasi Canselori NUS. NUS, yang terkenal dengan kecemerlangannya dalam pendidikan, sentiasa menetapkan tanda aras yang luar biasa dalam pelbagai aspek akademik dan pentadbiran. Justeru, kakitangan Pejabat Naib Canselor bertujuan untuk memerhati dan belajar daripada strategi kejayaan NUS.
Objektif lawatan tersebut adalah seperti berikut:
1. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang struktur pentadbiran, proses membuat keputusan, dan pendekatan inovatif yang digunakan oleh NUS untuk menguruskan Canselorinya dengan berkesan.
2. Untuk belajar daripada amalan terbaik NUS dan mengumpul pengetahuan dan idea yang akan menyumbang kepada mempertingkatkan amalan pentadbiran mereka sendiri.
3. Untuk mengenal pasti bidang yang berpotensi untuk diperbaiki dalam organisasi mereka sendiri dengan mengkaji metodologi yang berjaya digunakan oleh institusi seperti NUS.
Tempat pertemuan untuk lawatan itu adalah di Bilik Seminar Perpustakaan Pusat NUS, dengan wakil NUS, Encik Ng Ching Shiang, dan Cik Jamie Tai mengalu-alukan delegasi di lobi. Para peserta dibawa melawat kampus di sekitar NUS Utown, di mana mereka telah diperkenalkan dengan konsep yang mengagumkan dan pendekatan tertumpu kepada pelajar yang NUS pakai.
Salah satu ciri NUS yang paling ketara ialah pendekatannya yang berpusatkan pelajar. Universiti ini menyediakan banyak ruang, kemudahan layan diri, dan studio kendalian sendiri, semuanya diuruskan oleh pelajar sendiri. Robot juga digunakan sebagai pegawai tambahan atau keselamatan di kampus. Selain itu, NUS menganjurkan kolej universitinya berdasarkan kurikulum khusus pelajar, memfokuskan kepada pemikiran yang direka bentuk untuk keperluan global. Para profesor tinggal berdekatan dengan kolej atau tinggal di pangsapuri yang sama, membolehkan akses mudah kepada pelajar dan memberikan bimbingan secara terus.
Semasa taklimat yang disampaikan Profesor Madya Dr Loh Wai Lam, Pengarah Akademik, Perhubungan Global NUS, beliau telah memaklumkan bahawa NUS mempunyai kadar kebolehpasaran pelajar yang mengagumkan iaitu 95-100%. Universiti itu juga menawarkan geran sebanyak SGD 180,000.00 kepada profesor bersekutu baharu untuk menjalankan penyelidikan, syarikat permulaan dan memupuk inovasi, tanpa sebarang sekatan atau syarat terikat. Faktor-faktor ini, antara lain, menyumbang kepada kekaguman peserta terhadap NUS.
Lawatan selama tiga jam itu ternyata membuka mata kepada semua staf Pejabat Naib Canselor, yang kagum dengan pencapaian NUS. Para peserta sebulat suara bersetuju bahawa NUS layak mendapat kedudukannya sebagai salah satu daripada 10 universiti terbaik dalam ranking dunia.
Perjalanan berakhir pada 26 September, dengan kakitangan Pejabat Naib Canselor berlepas dari Singapura dan pulang ke Malaysia.
Secara keseluruhan, lawatan ke NUS memberikan pandangan dan inspirasi yang berharga kepada staf Pejabat Naib Canselor di UiTM, yang berazam untuk melaksanakan strategi inovatif dan menggunakan metodologi yang berjaya untuk meningkatkan amalan pentadbiran mereka sendiri dan memberikan pengalaman yang boleh mempertingkatkan perkhidmatan mereka kepada pemegang taruh universiti.
“Vice-Chancellor Accompanied By 30 Office Staff Embarked On A Work Visit To The National University Of Singapore,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 3, 2025,