Did you know? That the first convocation of the Dewan Latehan RIDA (now UiTM) was held on 19 December 1964. 50 graduates received their certificates and diplomas from the hands of the then Deputy Prime Minister YAB Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato'…
The Global Prominence Award was launched in 2017 by the UiTM Global Office (formerly known as the Office of International Affairs). It aims to recognise departments, faculties and colleges for their efforts and initiatives to increase the…
An Appreciation Event for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Micro-Credential UiTM 2019-2022 Development, including the Mock-Cheque Presentation for Distance Learning Programme 2021, was held on 23 December 2022 at De Palma Hotel, Section 19,…
Setinggi-tinggi tahniah diucapkan kepada dua pasukan pembangunan MOOC dan MC untuk tahun 2023 UiTM Cawangan Melaka yang telah menerima anugerah iaitu: Anugerah MOOC Paling Aktif (Pengurusan & Perniagaan) “Property and Pecuniary Insurance” &…
On Thursday 5 January 2023, I attended the lunch invitation and the Top Employer Plaque Handover Ceremony Based on Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) Salary Deduction 2021 at Mardhiyyah Hotel & Suites, Shah Alam . Also present were the UiTM…