The Faculty Of Applied Sciences Named Recipient Of The UiTM 5th Global Prominence Award
The Faculty Of Applied Sciences Named Recipient Of The UiTM 5th Global Prominence Award
The Global Prominence Award was launched in 2017 by the UiTM Global Office (formerly known as the Office of International Affairs). It aims to recognise departments, faculties and colleges for their efforts and initiatives to increase the visibility of the university through internationalisation activities.
On 22 December 2022, I had the honour to present the 5th Global Prominence Award 2022 to the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
The top 5 finalists:
1. Faculty of Applied Sciences (winner)
2. Faculty of Business and Management
3. Faculty of Medicine
4. UiTM Pulau Pinang Branch
5. UiTM Pahang Branch
For your information, all the finalists were evaluated based on their performance in internationalisation initiatives in five categories: -
a) Student and staff mobility (inbound/outbound)
b) Student Activities
c) Research and Innovation,
d) Global Programme
e) Global Partners
We hope that the award will inspire everyone to work together to make GRU2025 a reality.
Anugerah Kecemerlangan Global telah diperkenalkan pada 2017 oleh Pejabat Global UiTM (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Pejabat Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa). Ia bertujuan untuk memberi penghargaan kepada jabatan, fakulti, dan kolej pengajian atas usaha dan inisiatif mereka untuk meningkatkan ketampakan universiti melalui aktiviti pengantarabangsaan.
Sehubungan itu, pada 22 Disember 2022 yang lalu, saya amat berbesar hati menyampaikan hadiah kepada Fakulti Sains Gunaan sebagai pemenang Anugerah Kecemerlangan Global (The 5th Global Prominence Award 2022).
Berikut adalah Top 5 Finalis:
1. Fakulti Sains Gunaan (Pemenang)
2. Fakulti Pengurusan & Perniagaan
3. Faculty Perubatan
4. UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang
5. UiTM Cawangan Pahang
Sebagai makluman kesemua calon finalis telah dinilai berdasarkan pencapaian mereka dalam 5 komponen aktiviti pengantarabangsaan:-
a) Mobiliti Pelajar dan Mobiliti Kakitangan (inbound/outbound)
b) Aktiviti Pelajar
c) Penyelidikan dan Inovasi,
d) Program Global
e) Rakan Kolaborasi Global.
Penganugerahan ini diharapkan dapat memberi inspirasi kepada semua untuk bekerjasama bagi mencapai GRU 2025.
“The Faculty Of Applied Sciences Named Recipient Of The UiTM 5th Global Prominence Award,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 22, 2025,