19 December To Honour & Commemorate The UiTM Alumni Day
19 December To Honour & Commemorate The UiTM Alumni Day
Did you know? That the first convocation of the Dewan Latehan RIDA (now UiTM) was held on 19 December 1964. 50 graduates received their certificates and diplomas from the hands of the then Deputy Prime Minister YAB Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato' Hussein. They completed the following courses: 8 from the Account Management Course (ICWA Examination - Part 3), 19 from the Secretarial Course (CCS Examination), 2 from the Business Management Course (BIM Examination - Part 1) and 21 from the Stenography (Shorthand) Course.
Today, UiTM is proud of the achievements and success of all its alumni who form the larger group of Keluarga UiTM, which to date numbers 642,118 alumni and is expected to grow further. Of these, 968,161 scrolls have been awarded to them.
In conjunction with the UiTM 95th Convocation Ceremony held at UiTM Sarawak Branch, it gives me great pleasure to announce the UiTM Alumni Day, which will be celebrated by all alumni on 19 December. UiTM Alumni Day is an official event to recognise the achievements of UiTM alumni and commemorate the largest alumni community in the country. 41 associations have been recognised by the university management and registered with the Department of Registration of Societies Malaysia (ROS).
Happy UiTM Alumni Day!
Tahukah anda? Konvokesyen pertama Dewan Latehan RIDA (kini UiTM) diadakan pada 19 Disember 1964 di mana 50 graduan dianugerahkan sijil & diploma oleh YAB Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato’ Hussein, Timbalan Perdana Menteri ketika itu. Mereka adalah lulusan Kursus Pengurusan Akaun (ICWA Examination - Part 3) seramai 8 orang; Kursus Setiausaha (CCS Examination) seramai 19 orang; Kursus Pengurusan Perniagaan (BIM Examination - Part 1) seramai 2 orang; Kursus Terengkas seramai 21 orang.
Pada hari ini UiTM berbangga dengan pencapaian kesemua alumninya dan turut gembira meraikan kejayaan keluarga besar UiTM yang sehingga kini berjumlah seramai 642,118 orang dan dijangka terus meningkat. Daripada jumlah tersebut 968,161 skrol telah dianugerahkan kepada mereka.
Sempena Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM ke-95 di UiTM Cawangan Sarawak. Sukacitanya saya mengumumkan Hari Alumni UiTM, yang akan disambut oleh semua alumni pada 19 Disember. Hari Alumni UiTM ialah acara rasmi mega yang memberi penghormatan kepada pencapaian alumni UiTM dan menghargai komuniti alumni terbesar negara di mana 41 persatuan telah disahkan di peringkat pengurusan universiti serta berdaftar dengan Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia (ROS).
Selamat Hari Alumni UiTM!
“19 December To Honour & Commemorate The UiTM Alumni Day,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 13, 2025, https://mindanc.uitm.edu.my/items/show/404.