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YB Minister of Higher Education's Special Award: Innovative Curriculum Design and Delivery 2022 (AKRI 2022) was held on 02 September 2022 in Putrajaya. The award was presented by the Minister of Higher Education, YB Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad, as…


The Academic Leaders Onboarding Programme (ALOP) intends to increase the direct involvement of newly appointed university officials in senior management positions at UiTM. Held at the Institute of Leadership & Development (ILD), Bandar Enstek,…


The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is observed annually on December 3rd around the world. In UiTM, the event was celebrated on December 02 2022 and held at the Dewan Berlian, UiTM Selangor Branch, Puncak Alam…


Thank you, Keluarga UiTM, for joining me live on CTWR Ep.6 on Saturday via the UiTM YouTube channel. We can indeed benefit from a lot of sharing in this episode. From my office, I then made my way to the Bean Campus, located at the UiTM-MTDC…


18 October 2022 - I had the great pleasure of welcoming the International Balkan University (IBU) delegation. The session was held in conjunction with the ‘Merging of Two Cultures through Visual Arts: An Art Preview and Sharing Session’ by Guests…


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