Syabas dan Tahniah HASA atas pelancaran Hospital Mesra Ibadah (HMI). Sangat tersentuh apabila dimaklumkan hasil kajian, hanya EMPAT BELAS PERATUS (14%) pesakit menunaikan Solat sewaktu di hospital. Semoga usaha ini memudahkan dan membantu pesakit…
9 Mei 2023 – Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) sekali lagi melakar sejarah, apabila Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah (HASA) menerima pengiktirafan Malaysia Good Design Award bagi tahun 2022 dari Majlis Rekabentuk Malaysia (MRM), Kementerian Pelaburan,…
The National Anesthesia Day celebration took place on 16 October 2022 at UiTM Al-Sultan Abdullah Hospital in Puncak Alam Campus. I'd like to express my gratitude to the Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists (MSA) and the College of…
On the historic day of July 23, 2022, corresponding to the 23 Zulhijjah 1443H, His Majesty The Yang Di-Pertuan Agong consented to the proclamation of UiTM Hospital as Al-Sultan Abdullah Hospital. This is another iconic landmark that will benefit…