The World Digital Economy Distinguished Entrepreneur Lifetime Achievement Award : A Symbol Of Recognition For UiTM's Continuous Efforts.


The World Digital Economy Distinguished Entrepreneur Lifetime Achievement Award : A Symbol Of Recognition For UiTM's Continuous Efforts.


Last year, I was invited as a panellist to the Penang Future FWD Summit 2021 organised by KSI in Penang. This year, the KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific hosted the World Digital Economy & Technology Summit 2022, which was held at The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur from 28-29 June 2022. The event was held in collaboration with the Economic Club Kuala Lumpur and the Pacific Basin Economic Council. It was also supported by various organisations such as the Asia Leadership Roundtable and Cyber Security Malaysia.
Themed "Creating Opportunities, Endless Possibilities", the World Digital Economy & Technology Summit 2022 brought together key players in the digital economy to discuss current key trends, strategic challenges, major issues and risks impacting our digital future. This event has become a gathering of technologists, digital entrepreneurs, business leaders, policy advocates, digital natives, health experts, educators, and the general public to take stock of the future digital economy and be prepared for tomorrow.
YB Dato 'Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Economy), delivered the keynote address in the morning, followed by a discussion and forum session with distinguished panellists from Malaysia and abroad.
Praise be to Allah SWT, at the gala night, I was named the recipient of the World Digital Economy Distinguished Entrepreneur Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was presented by His Excellency Tun Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam, the Governor of Malacca.
This award recognises the efforts and contributions that have been and are being made to make UiTM a globally renowed university by 2025. We have achieved various goals and initiatives, some of which are continuously improving, and others have just begun. This recognition shows that our collective efforts are acknowledged and referred to by many external stakeholders, which in turn builds confidence and enhances the University's reputation.
UiTM will contribute to the development of competent talents in the field of digital economy. As a result, STEM and digital technology-based initiatives such as data analytics and artificial intelligence will continue to expand, in addition to collaborations with global companies such as Huawei, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Adobe.
Meanwhile, I would like to congratulate Dato’ Sri Dr Haji Irmohizam Haji Ibrahim , a member of the UiTM board of directors, who was also honoured in the Corporate CEO Lifetime Achievement category.
I thank everyone for their unwavering support of UiTM in fulfilling the national mandate of strengthening the Bumiputera through higher education, especially the digitisation agenda. ~RT
Pada tahun lepas saya telah dijemput sebagai ahli panel Penang Future FWD Summit 2021 anjuran KSI di Pulau Pinang dan pada tahun ini KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific menganjurkan Sidang Kemuncak Ekonomi Digital & Teknologi Dunia 2022 yang berlangsung dari 28-29 Jun 2022 di The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Acara ini mendapat kerjasama The Economic Club Kuala Lumpur dan Pacific Basin Economic Council. Ia turut mendapat sokongan daripada pelbagai agensi seperti Asia Leadership Roundtable, Cyber Security Malaysia dan banyak lagi.
Bertemakan “Creating Opportunities, Endless Possibilites”, Sidang Kemuncak Ekonomi Digital & Teknologi Dunia 2022 menghimpunkan pihak berkepentingan utama dalam Ekonomi Digital untuk membincangkan kencenderungan utama masa kini, cabaran strategik, isu -isu perdana dan risiko yang memberi kesan kepada masa depan digital kita. Perhimpunan ini menjadi pertemuan minda antara ahli teknologi, usahawan digital, eksekutif korporat, pendukung dasar, komuniti digital, pakar kesihatan, pendidik dan masyarakat umum untuk memberi perhatian terhadap ekonomi digital masa depan dan bersedia untuk hari esok.
Di sesi pagi YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Ekonomi) telah menyampaikan ucaptama yang kemudiannya disusuli dengan sesi diskusi dan forum oleh ahli-ahli panel yang disegani dari dalam dan luar negara.
Syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT, pada malam kemuncak sidang, saya telah dinobatkan sebagai penerima World Digital Economy Distinguished Entreprenuer Lifetime Achievement Award. Anugerah disampaikan oleh TYT Yang di-Pertua Negeri Melaka, Tun Seri Setia (Dr.) Haji Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam.
Anugerah ini adalah sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap gagasan dan sumbangan yang telah dan sedang diusahakan untuk UiTM mencapai universiti terkemuka di dunia menjelang 2025. Kita telah mencapai pelbagai sasaran dan ada di antaranya sedang berterusan dipertingkatkan serta baharu saja dilancarkan inisiatifnya. Pengiktirafan sebegini menjadi bukti usaha bersama kita mendapat perhatian dan rujukan dari pelbagai pihak berkepentingan luar sekaligus membina kepercayaan dan mengukuhkan reputasi universiti.
UiTM akan menyumbang kepada pembangunan bakat kompeten dalam bidang ekonomi digital. Untuk itu, STEM dan inisiatif berasaskan teknologi digital seperti analisis data dan kecerdasan buatan akan terus berkembang, selain kerjasama dengan syarikat global seperti Huawei, Apple, Microsoft, Google dan Adobe.
Sementara itu, saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada Dato’ Sri Dr Haji Irmohizam Haji Ibrahim , ahli lembaga pengarah UiTM, yang turut diberi penghormatan dalam kategori Corporate CEO Lifetime Achievement.
Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada semua atas sokongan berterusan kepada UiTM dalam mendukung amanat negara untuk memperkasa bumiputera melalui pendidikan tinggi, khususnya dalam agenda digitalisasi. ~RT






“The World Digital Economy Distinguished Entrepreneur Lifetime Achievement Award : A Symbol Of Recognition For UiTM's Continuous Efforts.,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 23, 2025,

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