Financial Criminology Experts Share Latest Developments At 12th ICFC, 2022, London


Financial Criminology Experts Share Latest Developments At 12th ICFC, 2022, London


The 12th International Conference on Financial Criminology (ICFC), 2022, was held at the WYNG Garden, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, London. With the theme of 'Attaining sustainable development goals through financial transparency', this conference aims to create awareness and interest in topics related to economics, financial criminology, and sustainable development goals. The conference also allowed delegates to improve their knowledge and skills in fraud investigation and accounting forensics.
It is hoped that all participants will gain knowledge from experienced practitioners on the latest developments and challenges based on the topics shared during the conference, in addition to expanding the network for collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary research.
Thus, I thank Professor Dr Rob McCusker, ICFC 2022 Chair and all the guest speakers. Congratulations to all the delegates for your participation.
Simultaneously, the 9th Governance, Management, and Leadership Training (GMLT) programme was held in collaboration with ICFC and ICGSM (International Conference on Governance and Strategic Management). Themed "Synergizing Visibility and Sustainability" GMLT takes place from 22-30 August 2022 in Oxford and Cambridge, organised by the Malaysian Statutory Body Association (PBBM) in collaboration with UiTM Accounting Research Institute and UiTM Institute of Leadership and Development. The GMLT consists of five modules, with 44 delegates representing various agencies and statutory organisations such as IKM, MARA, Port Klang Authority, Bintulu Port Authority, MAIWP, UMK, UMP, UTHM, UM, UTK, UPS, UKM, UNISZA, and UiTM. At the same time, an MoU signing ceremony was organised and held between UiTM and PBBM as well as AJM Academy Centre of Excellence.
Alhamdulillah, this program has been successful and achieved its objectives. As the Chairman of PBBM, I congratulate PBBM officers & staff, especially Mr. Mustaza Mohamad, Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Mohammad Syazwan Mohd, Special Officer (Special Tasks) to the Vice Chancellor, who as well serves as the Honorary Secretary of PBBM.
At the same time, Mr. Dylan also took me on a tour of Cambridge campus during our working visit. Then I continued the courtesy visit session to the Malaysian High Commission in London where I met with H.E Dato' Zakri Jaafar, Malaysian High Commissioner, Associate Professor Dr. Shafie Mohamed Zabri, Director of Education Malaysia, and Mr. Lukman Zulkifly, Education Attaché.

Persidangan Antarabangsa Kriminologi Kewangan (ICFC) ke-12, 2022 telah diadakan di WYNG Garden, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, London. Dengan tema 'Mencapai matlamat pembangunan lestari melalui ketelusan kewangan' persidangan ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kesedaran dan minat terhadap topik yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi, kriminologi kewangan dan matlamat pembangunan lestari. Persidangan ini juga telah memberi peluang kepada perwakilan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran mereka berkaitan penyiasatan penipuan dan forensik perakaunan.
Diharapkan semua peserta mendapat ilmu daripada pengamal berpengalaman mengenai perkembangan terkini dan cabaran berdasarkan topik yang dikongsi semasa konferensi tersebut selain meluaskan rangkaian untuk kerjasama dan promosi penyelidikan antara disiplin.
Sehubungan itu, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Profesor Dr Rob McCusker, Pengerusi ICFC 2022 dan kepada semua penceramah tetamu. Tahniah kepada semua delegasi di atas penyertaan anda semua.
Dalam waktu yang sama program 9th Governance, Management and Leadership Training (GMLT) turut dianjurkan sempena ICFC dan ICGSM (International Conference on Governance and Strategic Management). Bertemakan “Synergizing Visibility and Sustainability” GMLT berlangsung dari 22-30 Ogos 2022 di Oxford and Cambridge anjuran Persatuan Badan Berkanun Malaysia (PBBM) dengan kerjasama UiTM Accounting Research Institute and UiTM Institute of Leadership and Development. GMLT mengandungi lima modul dengan penyertaan seramai 44 orang perwakilan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai agensi badan-badan berkanunan seperti IKM, MARA, Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang, Lembaga Pelabuhan Bintulu, MAIWP, UMK, UMP, UTHM, UM, UTK, UPS, UKM, UNISZA dan UiTM. Sementara itu, majlis memeterai perjanjian persefahaman dengan PBBM dan AJM Academy Centre of Excellence turut diadakan.
Alhamdulillah, program ini telah berlangsung dengan jayanya dan mencapai objektif. Selaku Yang DiPertua PBBM saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada pegawai & kakitangan PBBM khususnya Encik Mustaza Mohamad, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Encik Mohammad Syazwan Mohd, Pegawai Khas (Tugas-Tugas Khas) kepada Naib Canselor merangkap Setiausaha Kehormat PBBM.
Dalam sesi lawatan kerja ini, Encik Dylan juga membawa saya melawat sekitar Cambridge. Kemudian saya meneruskan sesi kunjungan hormat ke Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia di London dan bersua mesra dengan TYT Dato’ Zakri Jaafar, Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia dan Profesor Madya Dr. Shafie Mohamed Zabri, Pengarah Education Malaysia and Encik Lukman Zulkifly, Attaché Pendidikan.






“Financial Criminology Experts Share Latest Developments At 12th ICFC, 2022, London,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 10, 2025,

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