MOSTI Chief Secretary Officiated The Opening Ceremony Of The UiTM Selangor Branch Innovation Carnival 2023


MOSTI Chief Secretary Officiated The Opening Ceremony Of The UiTM Selangor Branch Innovation Carnival 2023


On Saturday morning, 14th January 2023, I attended and delivered the opening speech for the ceremony of the two-day innovation carnival organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA Selangor Branch (UCS). The motto of the carnival was "Innovation Empowering the Economy". I would like to congratulate all participants of the UCS Innovation Carnival 2023 who have worked together to produce various forms of presentations, exhibitions, and workshops to celebrate the winners of this year's UCS Innovation award. I was proud of the high impact projects through community service programs organized by UCS with the faculties under UCS such as the Pilot End Program Series 1 and Series 2 (Program Hujung Rintis Siri 1 dan Siri 2), and the Jom Kome Carnival, were the best solution to the issues faced by the local community.
The ceremony was officiated by Yang Berbahagia Datuk Ts. Dr. Haji Aminuddin Bin Hassim, Chief Secretary, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI). In his speech, Datuk Ts Dr Haji Aminuddin praised the SULAM programs that were carried out for the benefits of the local community as well as the university staff. Also present the UiTM officials, Professor Dr. Norazah Abdul Rahman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Dr. Ahmad Sazali Hamzah, UCS Rector, UiTM Management, UCS Management, lecturers and staff of UCS, media partners and sponsors.
The carnival was an annual innovation event organized by UCS which showcased the latest technology, research, and innovation from students, faculty, and industry partners. The carnival featured a variety of activities including exhibitions, competitions, workshops, and talks on various topics related to technology and innovation as well as the participation of the neighbouring school community (such as SK Puncak Alam 2). The event aimed to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among students, academics, and local community, and thus, to provide a platform for them to showcase their talents and ideas.
Pada pagi Sabtu, 14hb Januari 2023, saya telah menghadiri dan menyampaikan ucapan pembukaan bagi majlis karnival inovasi yang berlangsung dua hari, anjuran Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor (UCS). Moto karnival kali ini adalah “Inovasi Memperkasa Ekonomi”. Saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua peserta Karnival Inovasi UCS 2023 yang telah bekerjasama untuk menghasilkan pelbagai bentuk persembahan, pameran dan bengkel bagi meraikan pemenang anugerah Inovasi UCS tahun ini. Saya berbangga dengan projek-projek berimpak tinggi melalui program khidmat masyarakat yang dianjurkan oleh UCS bersama fakulti-fakulti di bawah UCS seperti Program Rintis Siri 1 dan Siri 2 (Program Tamat Rintis Siri 1 dan Siri 2), dan Karnival Jom Kome, merupakan solusi terbaik kepada isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat setempat.
Majlis tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh Yang Berbahagia Datuk Ts. Dr. Haji Aminuddin Bin Hassim, Ketua Setiausaha, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI). Dalam ucapannya, Datuk Ts Dr Haji Aminuddin memuji program SULAM yang dijalankan untuk manfaat masyarakat setempat serta kakitangan universiti. Turut hadir pengurusan tertinggi UiTM, Profesor Dr. Norazah Abdul Rahman, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi), Profesor Dr. Ahmad Sazali Hamzah, Rektor UCS, Pengurusan UiTM, Pengurusan UCS, pensyarah dan kakitangan UCS, rakan media dan penaja.
Karnival ini merupakan acara inovasi tahunan yang dianjurkan oleh UCS yang mempamerkan teknologi, penyelidikan dan inovasi terkini daripada pelajar, fakulti dan rakan industri. Karnival ini menampilkan pelbagai aktiviti termasuk pameran, pertandingan, bengkel, dan ceramah mengenai pelbagai topik berkaitan teknologi dan inovasi serta penyertaan komuniti sekolah berhampiran (seperti SK Puncak Alam 2). Acara ini bertujuan untuk menggalakkan budaya inovasi dan keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar, ahli akademik, dan masyarakat tempatan, dan dengan itu, dapat menyediakan platform bagi mereka untuk mempamerkan bakat dan idea.







“MOSTI Chief Secretary Officiated The Opening Ceremony Of The UiTM Selangor Branch Innovation Carnival 2023,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 31, 2025,

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