QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 were released on April 6, 2022. This year, I proposed a slight change in announcing the results. I broadcasted an online announcement with 97 guests, namely rectors, assistant vice-chancellor (internationalisation), deans, and ranking champions in attendance. The Director of the Ranking Department presented a briefing on analysis and post-mortem of achievements, followed by a sharing and Q&A session. The purpose is to strengthen the ties and allow me to offer my inspirational thoughts to everyone in a heart-to-heart dialogue. This session is in accordance with the 2022 Vice Chancellor's Address - #1 to enhance the communication system by winning the hearts and trust of the warga to understand the aspirations of GRU2025.
In 2022, QS World University Rankings by Subject assessed 51 disciplines, involving 1,543 universities from 88 locations worldwide. QS World University Rankings by Subjects has listed three Broad Subject areas from UiTM: Arts and Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Social Sciences & Management.
Before I continue with this year's top achievements, I'd like to emphasise the changes in the scores for the following subjects that deserve to be highlighted and improved next year.
Increase in Academic Reputation
a) Minerals & Mining which recorded 18 improvements in scores,
b) Engineering - Electric & Electronics which increased 14.5 score
c) Engineering - Mechanical, which rose 14.1 scores.
Increase in Employer Reputation
a) Performing Arts which recorded an increase of 8.8 scores,
b) Dentistry increased 6.9 score
c) and Engineering - Mechanical improved 6.3 score.
Increase in Citations Per Paper
a) Material Sciences increased 25.9 score
b) Library & Info Management up 20.8 score
c) Chemical Engineering increased 20.2 score
H-Index increase
a) Engineering – Chemical increased by 24 scores
b) Material Sciences increased a 21.1 score
c) and finally, Engineering - Electric & Electronics improved 10.7 score.
Besides the four indicators of Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Citations Per Paper and H-Index, QS Quacquarelli Symonds introduced the IRN (International Research Network) indicator starting in 2022. The IRN indicator will measure institutional competitiveness in expanding international research networks by establishing sustainable research collaborations with other institutions. I see IRN as an excellent opportunity in our efforts to drive GRU2025, including improving our reputation, achieving the "3 degrees of separation" in research initiatives and further boosting the potential of UiTM researchers in line with the theme of "Global Competency" in my 2022 Vice-Chancellor's Address. This move will intensify the GRU2025 agenda, based on the 23 Focuses & Targets in KPI2022.
Here's the good news for Keluarga UiTM.
• 14 Subjects were successfully ranked in the QS World Rankings by Subject 2022, with 29% of improvement.
• The Subject of Hospitality & Leisure Management is currently #42 best in the world. Congratulations! Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management.
• Petroleum Engineering and Architecture/Built Environment Subjects remained at 101-150 and 151-200.
• Engineering-Electrical & Electronics remained at 351-400, and Computer Science & Information Systems remained at 501-550.
• 3 new Subjects ranked are Engineering-Chemical, Agriculture & Forestry and Law. It is an outstanding performance for a Law Subject that was not in the ranking previously. Of course, this encouraging news will motivate the warga of the Law faculty to remain dynamic.
Based on the key findings by QS World Rankings by Subject 2022, In Academic Reputation, UiTM’s best performance is in Law, scoring 58.3. Meanwhile, in Employer Reputation, Architecture/Built Environment earned a score of 65.7. In Citations per Per Paper, Hospitality & Leisure Management hit the highest score of 74.7. Lastly, in H-Index, Business & Management Studies received a score of 75.9.
Meanwhile, I'd like to remind you that the citation will ensure the standability and sustainability of our presence in the world of academia. The announcement session, which was held for the first time this year, allowed the audience to voice their thoughts on how we may improve UiTM's position in the future.
During the event, the Dean, Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, shared their recipe for success to be named #42 best in the world. Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Law was ecstatic about their new accomplishments. She shared the experience of how synergy and togetherness play an essential role so they would be able to share the success.
The importance of synergy in developing global competencies requires us as warga UiTM to "Unleash the Human Magic". Let me mention it again, the 2022 Vice Chancellor's Address, #2 - We must accelerate the transformation that mobilises the synergy of all warga to achieve GRU2025.
Rankings ensure that we remain competitive and relevant. Yet, we must make the world see us as a renowned university that goes beyond rankings. We must change our mindset to believe in our capability and competency to achieve GRU2025.
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 telah mengumumkan keputusan penarafan pada 6 April 2022. Pada tahun ini, saya mencadangkan sedikit kelainan, di mana pengumuman diadakan secara atas talian melibatkan 97 orang jemputan yang terdiri daripada rektor-rektor, penolong naib canselor (pengantarabangsaan), dekan-dekan, dan ranking champions. Taklimat analisa dan post-mortem pencapaian disampaikan oleh Pengarah Jabatan Penarafan, dengan disusuli sesi perkongsian dan soal-jawab.
Tujuannya, adalah untuk merapatkan barisan kita, dalam waktu yang sama dapat saya memberikan semangat kepada semua yang hadir secara dekat di hati. Ini selaras dengan Amanat Naib Canselor 2022 - #1 memantapkan sistem komunikasi bagi memenangi hati dan kepercayaan warga untuk memahami aspirasi GRU2025.
QS World University Rankings by Subjects membuat penilaian penarafan yang merangkumi 51 disiplin dalam tahun 2022, melibatkan 1,543 buah universiti dari 88 lokasi di seluruh dunia. UiTM tersenarai dalam tiga kelompok bidang utama iaitu Seni dan Ilmu Kemanusiaan, Kejuruteraan & Teknologi, Sains Sosial & Pengurusan.
Sebelum saya berbicara tentang pencapaian kedudukan terbaik kita. Saya ingin kita semua turut melihat perubahan skor bidang berikut yang wajar diberi dorongan untuk terus berusaha maju ke hadapan.
Peningkatan dalam Academic Reputation
1. Mineral & Mining yang mencatat 18 skor peningkatan,
2. Engineering – Electric & Electronics yang meningkat 14.5 skor
3. Engineering – Mechanical yang naik 14.1 skor.
Peningkatan dalam Employer Reputation
1. Performing Arts yang merekod kenaikan 8.8 skor,
2. Dentistry dengan penambahan 6.9 skor
3. dan Engineering - Mechanical meningkat 6.3 skor
Peningkatan dalam Citations Per Paper
1. Material Sciences meningkat 25.9 skor
2. Library & Info Management naik 20.8 skor
3. Engineering - Chemical meningkat 20.2 skor
Peningkatan H-Index
1. Engineering - Chemical meningkat 24 skor
2. Material Sciences naik 21.1 skor
3. dan akhir sekali, Engineering – Electric & Electronics meningkat 10.7 skor
Selain empat indikator Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Citations Per Paper dan H-Index. Mulai 2022, QS Quacquarelli Symonds memperkenalkan indikator IRN (International Research Network) yang memberi petunjuk daya saing institusi dalam memperluaskan jaringan penyelidikan antarabangsa dengan mewujudkan kolaborasi penyelidikan yang lestari dengan institusi lain. Saya melihat IRN adalah peluang baik dalam usaha kita memacu GRU2025 antaranya memperbaiki reputasi, mencapai “3 degrees of separation” dalam inisiatif penyelidikan dan seterusnya melonjak potensi penyelidik UiTM seiring dengan tema Amanat Tahun 2022 yang saya sampaikan iaitu “Kompetensi Global”. Ini sudah pastinya akan memperhebatkan agenda GRU2025 berdasarkan 23 Fokus & Sasaran KPI2022.
Seterusnya, ini adalah berita gembira buat semua Keluarga UiTM.
• 14 subjek berjaya tersenarai di QS World Rankings by Subjects 2022 dengan 29% peningkatan.
• Subjek Hospitality & Leisure Management kini adalah #42 terbaik di dunia. Syabas! Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel & Pelancongan.
• Subjek Petroleum Engineering dan Architecture/Built Environment pula kekal pada kedudukan 101-150 dan 151-200.
• Engineering – Electric & Electronics kekal di kedudukan 351-400 begitu juga Computer Science & Information Systems kekal di 501-550.
• 3 subjek baharu yang tersenarai adalah Engineering – Chemical, Agriculture & Forestry dan Law. Untuk Subjek Law yang tidak pernah tersenarai sebelum ini, ia adalah satu pencapaian yang harus diberi pujian. Sudah tentunya, ia akan membangkit semangat warga Fakulti Undang-Undang untuk terus dinamik.
Berdasarkan dapatan utama oleh QS World Rankings by Subjects 2022, dalam Academic Reputation, prestasi terbaik UiTM adalah dalam Law, mendapat skor 58.3, manakala dalam Employer Reputation, Architecture/Built Environment memperoleh skor 65.7. Dalam Citations Per Paper, Hospitality & Leisure Management mencapai skor tertinggi 74.7, dan yang terakhir dalam H-Index, Business & Management Studies, menerima skor 75.9.
Dalam pada itu, saya juga mengingatkan sitasi akan memastikan kestabilan dan kelestarian ketampakan kita dalam dunia akademia. Sesi pengumuman yang pertama kali diadakan tahun ini, membolehkan maklum balas dikumpul, memberi peluang tetamu yang hadir berkongsi pandangan untuk bagaimana kita boleh memperbaiki kedudukan UiTM yang lebih menyerlah pada masa hadapan.
Semasa acara ini berlangsung Dekan, Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel & Pelancongan berkongsi resepi kejayaan mereka sebagai yang ke-42 terbaik di dunia. Sementara, Dekan Fakulti Undang-Undang pula sangat teruja dengan pencapaian baharu mereka dan menceritakan pengalaman bagaimana sinergi dan kebersamaan memainkan peranan penting untuk mereka bersama berkongsi kejayaan.
Kepentingan sinergi dalam membangunkan kompetensi global memerlukan kita sebagai warga UiTM untuk “Unleash the Human Magic”. Oleh itu, saya ulang siar, Amanat Naib Canselor 2022 yang saya sampaikan, iaitu #2 – Kita mesti melonjakkan transformasi yang menggerakkan sinergi seluruh warga untuk mencapai GRU2025.
Penarafan memastikan kita untuk kekal kompetitif dan relevan, namun kita mesti jadikan dunia melihat kita sebagai universiti yang disegani lebih dari kedudukan ranking sahaja. Kita mesti membuat perubahan minda yang percaya kepada keupayaan dan kompetensi kita untuk mencapai GRU2025.
“MAKE THE WORLD SEE US BEYOND THE RANKINGS,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed December 19, 2024,