Unleash The Magis Of 18,672 UiTM Talents
Unleash The Magis Of 18,672 UiTM Talents
UiTM has 18,672 staff, of which 8,977 are academics and 9,695 are administrative staff. We have 247 Professors, 884 Associate Professors, 5,611 Senior Lecturers, 2,150 Lecturers, 42 Junior Lecturers, and 43 Assistant Lecturers, according to data. Meanwhile, among the administrative staff we have 3 Officers with JUSA Grade (Key Public Sector Positions), 1,260 in the Management & Professional group, 3,313 supporting staff in group B, 2,869 supporting staff in group C, and 2,250 supporting staff in group D ranging across diverse service schemes. Cooperation, commitment and synergy among the warga is crucial in ensuring that we achieve our target, GRU2025. We have entered the first quarter of 2022 and our achievement in general is 32%. (Source: BTU – University Transformation Division, 5 April 2022)
Entering the endemic phase, we must ensure our planning is more realistic and meaningful, as the key challenge today is how to deal with 2.2% inflation rate, according to the CPI report released by the Department of Statistics Malaysia in February 2022. Because Malaysia has an open economy with market-determined exchange rates, the ringgit's fluctuation is influenced by both global and domestic factors. Citing the IMF World Economic Outlook April 2022, the Ministry of Finance Malaysia stated that Malaysia is expected to achieve an inflation rate of up to 3.0% in 2022.
Despite the challenges and uncertainties, we must be agile in order to develop global competencies for members of the university. This means that each warga plays an important role in obtaining global competencies regardless of his or her job and responsibilities. Leaders, educators, researchers or administrators alike should strive for quality improvement in knowledge, skills, and competitiveness, while maintaining a virtuous value and culture.
Therefore, I am confident that together, we can accomplish the 23 focuses and targets of 2022 KPI. Let me reiterate that synergy is very important. To the Heads of Departments, give your full support to the staff under your supervision, "tell them what and why we need to do it, monitor and reward them!", and as a leader you should be able to "unleash the human magic".
In conjunction with the Labour Day’s 2022, I hope we will continue to ensure that the university's efficiency in administration and operation is aimed at achieving sustainability. With 394 UiTM systems and apps, I am optimistic that we can increase the capabilities of UiTM digital campus in line with the university's, ministry's, and country's aspirations.
Happy Labour Day to all warga UiTM.
UiTM mempunyai 18,672 kakitangan, di mana 8,977 adalah staf akademik dan 9,695 adalah staf pentabiran. Mengikut pecahan UiTM mempunyai 247 Professor, 884 Prof. Madya, 5,611 Pensyarah Kanan, 2,150 Pensyarah, 42 Pensyarah Muda, dan 43 Penolong Pensyarah. Manakala, di kalangan staf pentadbiran UiTM mempunyai 3 Pegawai Gred JUSA (Jawatan Utama Sektor Awam), 1,260 staf kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional, 3,313 staf Pelaksana kumpulan B, 2,869 staf pelaksana kumpulan C, dan 2,250 staf pelaksana kumpulan D merentasi pelbagai skim perkhidmatan. Kerjasama, komitmen dan sinergi di antara warga adalah amat penting dalam memastikan sasaran kita untuk mencapai GRU2025. Kita telah memasuki sukuan pertama tahun 2022 dan pencapaian kita secara amnya adalah 32%. (Sumber: BTU – Bahagian Transformasi Universiti, 5 April 2022)
Memasuki fasa endemik kita mesti memastikan perancangan kita lebih realistik dan bermakna, kerana cabaran besar ketika ini adalah mendepani inflasi yang meningkat 2.2% menurut laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia dalam laporan IHP Februrari 2022. Oleh kerana Malaysia mempunyai sebuah ekonomi yang terbuka dengan kadar pertukaran mata wang yang ditentukan pasaran, pergerakan turun naik nilai ringgit dipengaruhi oleh kedua-dua faktor global dan domestik, di mana menurut Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia yang memetik sumber IMF Wrld Economic Outlook, April 2022, Malaysia dijangkakan mencapai inflasi sehinga 3.0% pada tahun 2022.
Sekali pun adanya cabaran dan ketidakpastian, kita mesti tangkas melonjak kompetensi global universiti. Ini bermakna setiap warga memainkan peranan penting dalam mencapai kompetensi global mengikut tanggungjawab masing – masing sama ada sebagai pemimpin, pendidik, penyelidik mahupun pentadbir. Kita mesti pamerkan peningkatan kualiti dalam pengetahuan, kemahiran dan daya saing, di samping mengekalkan nilai dan budaya yang budiman.
Oleh itu, saya yakin kita semua dapat mencapai 23 fokus dan sasaran KPI 2022, justeru saya berpesan sekali lagi, sinergi itu sangat penting. Kepada Ketua-Ketua Jabatan, berikan sokongan kepada staf di bawah seliaan anda, “tell them what and why we need to do it, monitor and reward them!”, dan sebagai pemimpin anda seharusnya berupaya “unleash the human magic”.
Bersempena dengan sambutan Hari Pekerja 2022, saya berharap kita akan terus fokus dalam mengukuhkan kelancaran pengurusan dan pengoperasian universiti dengan menentukan segala tindakan berpaksikan kelestarian. Dengan adanya 394 sistem dan aplikasi UiTM, saya yakin kita dapat mempertingkatkan keupayaan kampus digital UiTM seiring dengan aspirasi universiti, kementerian dan negara.
Selamat Hari Pekerja kepada seluruh warga kerja UiTM.
“Unleash The Magis Of 18,672 UiTM Talents,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 22, 2025, https://mindanc.uitm.edu.my/items/show/249.