Support From The Malaysian Ambassador To Turkey Will Increase UiTM's Reputation In That Country


Support From The Malaysian Ambassador To Turkey Will Increase UiTM's Reputation In That Country


I am very honored to receive a courtesy call from His Excellency Ambassador Sazali Mustafa Kamal, Malaysian Ambassador to Turkey on 24 May 2022. The meeting held at my office discussed the programmes to be organized by the Association of Statutory Bodies of Malaysia (PBBM), as well as numerous projects being worked on by the Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS), and UiTM Penang Branch.
During the discussion, UiTM will look at the potential of academic and research collaboration, especially in the fields of Islamic Finance, Digital Technology, and Languages. As the Yang Di-Pertua (President) of PBBM, I would like to see PBBM collaborate with ARI on training, sharing expertise that may assist academics, innovation, research, and transformation of service delivery to universities and other statutory bodies.
Famous for its historical heritage and uniqueness, which is partly in Asia and partly in continental Europe. The country has become one of the main destinations for tourists from all over the world. His Excellency Ambassador Sazali informed that before the pandemic, Turkey recorded a total of 137,000 tourists from Malaysia in 2019.
Thanks to Prof Dr. Jamaliah Said, Director of ARI, Prof. Dr. Balkish Zakaria, ARI Fellow, Mr. Mustaza Mohamad, Acting Chief Executive Officer of PBBM, Mr. Mohamad Syazwan Mohd, Special Officer ( Special Tasks) to the Vice-Chancellor, who is also the Honorary Secretary of PBBM and Ms. Zuridah Samion, Administrative Assistant of PBBM who coordinated this courtesy call session.
We hope to leverage the ambassadorial connection for mutual benefits particularly when UiTM delegations travel abroad for academic visits, research projects, and industrial partnerships. It is hoped that via this relationship, Malaysian and foreign embassies would support us in attaining the GRU2025 aspirations.

Saya amat berbesar hati menerima kunjungan hormat dari TYT Ambassador Sazali Mustafa Kamal, Duta Malaysia ke Turki pada 24 Mei 2022. Pertemuan yang diadakan di pejabat saya membincangkan mengenai program yang bakal dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Badan Berkanun Malaysia (PBBM), selain beberapa inisiatif yang sedang diusahakan oleh Institut Penyelidikan Perakaunan (ARI), Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS), dan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang.
Dalam perbincangan, UiTM akan melihat potensi kerjasama akademik dan penyelidikan khususnya dalam bidang Kewangan Islam, Teknologi Digital dan Bahasa. Selaku Yang Di-Pertua PBBM saya mahu melihat PBBM bekerjasama dengan ARI bagi tujuan latihan, perkongsian kepakaran yang boleh memberi manfaatkan akademik, inovasi, penyelidikan, transformasi dalam penyampaian perkhidmatan kepada universiti serta agensi badan berkanun lain.
Terkenal dengan warisan sejarah, serta keunikannya yang berada sebahagian di Asia dan sebahagiannya lagi di benua Eropah. Negara ini menjadi tarikan destinasi pelancong dari seluruh dunia, TYT Ambassador Sazali memaklumkan sebelum pandemik, Turki mencatatkan jumlah pelancong dari Malaysia seramai 137,000 orang pada tahun 2019.
Terima kasih kepada Prof Dr Jamaliah Said, Pengarah ARI, Prof. Madya Dr. Balkish Zakaria, Felo ARI, Encik Mustaza Mohamad, Pemangku Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif PBBM, Encik Mohamad Syazwan Mohd Pegawai Khas (Tugas-Tugas Khas) kepada Naib Canselor selaku Setiausaha Kehormat PBBM dan Puan Zuridah Samion, Pembantu Pentadbiran PBBM yang mengkoordinasikan sesi kunjungan hormat ini.
Kita mahu memanfaatkan hubungan diplomatik apabila delegasi UiTM ke luar negara bagi tujuan lawatan akademik, projek penyelidikan dan kerjasama industri. Diharapkan melalui hubungan ini, kedutaan Malaysia dan kedutaan asing akan menyokong UiTM dalam mencapai aspirasi GRU2025.







“Support From The Malaysian Ambassador To Turkey Will Increase UiTM's Reputation In That Country,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 18, 2025,

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