Shah Alam: Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) memeterai 35 perjanjian persefahaman (MoU) bersama industri, institusi, agensi dan komuniti dari dalam dan luar negara di sini, kelmarin.
JASIN, 20 OKTOBER 2022 – Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) through the Office of Industry, Community and Alumni Network (ICAN), Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology (FPA) has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement…
Last year, UiTM ranked 101-200 out of 1,117 institutions worldwide in the THE Impact Rankings. This year, UiTM remains at the same position of 101-200, achieving an excellent score of 82.8 despite the increased participation of 1,524 institutions…
The UiTM delegation led by Associate Professor Dr Mohd Afandi Mat Rani, Dean of the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), travelled to Jordan and Kuwait from 19 April to 22 April 2022. The purpose of the visit was to seek collaboration…
Alhamdulillah selesai 4 sesi Istiadat Konvokesyen ke 99, UiTM Cawangan Sabah. Semoga anak-anak yang telah menamatkan pengajian dengan jayanya terus menimba ilmu untuk memperbaiki kehidupan. Tahniah kepda ibubapa, penjaga dan keluarga yang berkongsi…