Bespoke Certification Is One Of The UiTM & EQ Hotel Partnership Highlights
Bespoke Certification Is One Of The UiTM & EQ Hotel Partnership Highlights
On June 8 2022, I attended the MoU event between UITM and EQ Kuala Lumpur Hotel. The hotel business is essential in boosting the country's economy through domestic and international tourism. UiTM and EQ Kuala Kumpur Hotel collaboration includes the exchange of academic-industry expertise, student training programme, the appointment of external examiners and industry advisory boards, joint research, bespoke certification, and upskilling programmes, as well as providing skilled talent to strategic partners.
UiTM and EQ Kuala Lumpur Hotel have planned this partnership since early 2019, but COVID-19 prevented it from happening. However, as the situation improves, the MoU between UiTM and Hotel EQ Kuala Lumpur can finally be signed face to face, indicating that the industry in the country is recovering.
For that, I would like to thank Mr Gerard Walker, General Manager of EQ Hotel, and his team for a warm welcome and excellent hospitality throughout the event.
Saya menghadiri majlis MoU di antara UiTM dan Hotel EQ Kuala Lumpur pada 08 Jun 2022.
Industri perhotelan sangat penting dalam merancakkan ekonomi negara menerusi sektor pelancongan domestik dan antarabangsa. Kerjasama di antara UiTM dan Hotel merangkumi pertukaran kepakaran akademik-industri, latihan kepada siswa-siswi, lantikan pemeriksa luar dan panel penasihat industri, kolaborasi penyelidikan, pensijilan dan program upskilling berkonsepkan bespoke serta menyediakan bakat yang kompeten kepada rakan strategik.
Kolaborasi ini sebenarnya, telah dirancang awal sejak tahun 2019, namun ia tergendala disebabkan oleh pandemik COVID-19. Memandangkan situasi kini yang bertambah baik, maka MoU di antara UiTM dan Hotel EQ Kuala Lumpur akhirnya dapat dimeterai secara bersemuka, sekaligus memberi tanda industri dalam negara sedang bangkit semula.
Untuk itu, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Encik Gerard Walker, Pengurus Besar EQ Hotel serta pasukannya di atas sambutan yang meriah dan layanan terbaik sepanjang acara.
“Bespoke Certification Is One Of The UiTM & EQ Hotel Partnership Highlights,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed March 13, 2025,