GO BEYOND GRADUATES EXPERIENCE: 1,186 Officials Ensure A Smooth-Running Of 93rd UiTM Convocation Ceremony
GO BEYOND GRADUATES EXPERIENCE: 1,186 Officials Ensure A Smooth-Running Of 93rd UiTM Convocation Ceremony
At the 24th session of the 93rd UiTM Convocation Ceremony, which took place on 28 June 2022, I expressed my appreciation and gratitude for the commitment and cooperation of 590 staff comprising various committees at UiTM Shah Alam. At the same time, I would also like to thank the 308 UiTM Sabah Branch staff and the 288 UiTM Sarawak Branch staff.
From ceremonial assistants, announcers, emcees, gamelan musicians, health officers, safety and traffic officers, ROTU officers, engineers and assistant engineers, camera operators, videographers, cleaning staff, sound engineers, social media crew and more. These are the workforce behind the scenes that ensure the smooth running of the 93rd UiTM Convocation Ceremony, which starts from 14 June to 6 July 2022.
The 93rd UiTM Convocation Ceremony just ended its sessions. After a two-year delay due to the pandemic, graduates, together with their family members, could physically be present for the conferment of professional programmes, diplomas, first degrees, master’s degrees and PhDs. This ceremony involved 27,287 graduates; if their attendance with their families doubled, the total number of visitors present would exceed 100,000. With that number, I’m impressed with the spirit of teamwork demonstrated by 1,186 convocation staff consisting of administrators, academicians and UiTM students. They are the ones who ensure that the graduates and guests have a meaningful experience beyond the graduation ceremony. The spirit of “UiTM Di Hatiku” (UiTM is where my heart is, it’s where my home is) has motivated them to give their best to celebrate the success of UiTM graduates who have now become UiTM alumni.~RT
Pada sidang ke-24 Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM ke-93 yang berlangsung pada 28 Jun 2022 saya telah menzahirkan ucapan penghargaan dan terima kasih atas komitmen dan kerjasama seramai 590 tenaga kerja yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jawatankuasa di UiTM Shah Alam. Dalam waktu yang sama saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih buat 308 orang petugas di UiTM Cawangan Sabah dan 288 orang petugas di UiTM Cawangan Sarawak.
Dari pembantu istiadat, pembaca nama graduan, juru acara, pemuzik gamelan, pegawai kesihatan, pegawai keselamatan dan trafik, pegawai PALAPES, jurutera dan penolong jurutera, jurukamera, juru video, petugas kebersihan, juruaudio, petugas media sosial dan ramai lagi. Mereka inilah tenaga kerja di belakang tabir yang memastikan kelancaran Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM ke-93 yang bermula dari 14 Jun hingga 6 Julai 2022.
Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM ke-93 telah selesai majlisnya. Selepas dua tahun penangguhan akibat pandemik, para graduan serta ibu bapa/ ahli keluarga dapat hadir secara fizikal bagi penganugerahan program professional, diploma, ijazah pertama, sarjana dan PhD. Ini melibatkan sejumlah 27,287 orang graduan, jika digandakan kehadiran mereka bersama keluarga, jumlah keseluruhan tetamu yang hadir adalah lebih dari 100,000 orang.
Dengan bilangan tersebut, saya sejujurnya kagum dengan semangat kerja berpasukan yang ditampilkan oleh seramai 1,186 orang petugas konvokesyen yang terdiri daripada staf pentadbiran, staf akademik, dan pelajar UiTM. Mereka inilah yang memastikan para graduan dan tetamu merasai pengalaman yang amat bermakna di Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM ke-93. Semangat “UiTM Di Hatiku” telah mendorong mereka untuk memberikan yang terbaik demi meraikan kejayaan para graduan UiTM yang kini telah bergelar alumni UiTM. ~RT
“GO BEYOND GRADUATES EXPERIENCE: 1,186 Officials Ensure A Smooth-Running Of 93rd UiTM Convocation Ceremony,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed February 18, 2025, https://mindanc.uitm.edu.my/items/show/285.