Courtesy Visit Of Ambassadors From Latin America And Caribbean Countries To The Office Of The UiTM Vice-Chancellor


Courtesy Visit Of Ambassadors From Latin America And Caribbean Countries To The Office Of The UiTM Vice-Chancellor


On 15th February 2023, I received a courtesy visit from the ambassadors of Latin America and Caribbean Countries, accompanied by the UiTM International Affairs Department’s representatives, Dr. Hajah Zainab Mohd Noor A.N.S., Director, Assoc Prof Dr. Idaya Husna Mohd, Head of International Cooperation, Training and Development, and Ms. Liyana Mohd Ramly, Coordinator of Cooperation Networks. The seven ambassadors have been positioned at their embassies in Malaysia. During the visit, they casually introduced themselves. They were:
1. H.E Manuel Jose Balaguer Salas, Ambassador from the Republic of Argentina Embassy;
2. H.E Ricardo Estanislao Morote Canales, Ambassador from the Peru Embassy;
3. Mr. Jose Ricardo Nesvara Vidal, Third Secretary from the Chile Embassy;
4. Mr. Marcelo Koiti Hasunuma, Counselor from the Brazil Embassy;
5. Mrs. Mariela Machado, Second Secretary from the Uruguay Embassy;
6. Mr. Raul Sanchez Nino, Charge d’Affaires from the Colombia Embassy;
7. Mr. Luis Enrique Vertiz, Deputy Head of Mission from the Mexico Embassy.
The purpose of the visit was to strengthen ties between Malaysia and the Latin countries, promote cultural exchange, explore opportunities for academic collaboration, and enhance mutual understanding. The visit included a roundtable discussion between me and the seven ambassadors, moderated by Dr. Hajah Zainab. During this one-hour roundtable discussion, each ambassador has taken the opportunity to propose academic and research ties as well as cultural exchange activities. Among the proposed activities for collaboration were:
1. Ambassadorial lecture;
2. A section of Latin America and Caribbean Collection;
3. Football culture;
4. Latin America Movie/ Film/ Music Festival;
5. Research on rainforest/ mangrove/ coral life protection (which able to create room for researchers);
6. International staff recruitment
At the end of the discussion, each ambassador received my newly published Coffee Talk With Rozie (CTWR) book as a token of appreciation. I invited them to view CTWR 2023 Session 1, which is scheduled for the 16th of February 2023 (the next day). I told them the CTWR was just like the Oprah Talkshow, and I hosted the show. They were impressed with the first-hand information that they received. I hope, this visit would be an excellent opportunity to broaden the academic, research, and cultural exchange and thus, build on the relationships that were established during the visit.
Pada 15hb Februari 2023, saya telah menerima kunjungan hormat duta-duta dari negara-negara Amerika Latin dan Caribbean, diiringi oleh wakil Jabatan Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa UiTM, Dr. Hajah Zainab Mohd Noor A.N.S., Pengarah, Prof. Madya Dr. Idaya Husna Mohd, Ketua Kerjasama Antarabangsa, Latihan dan Pembangunan, dan Puan Liyana Mohd Ramly, Penyelaras Jaringan Kerjasama. Ketujuh-tujuh duta itu telah ditempatkan di kedutaan mereka di Malaysia. Semasa lawatan itu, mereka secara santai memperkenalkan diri mereka. Mereka adalah:
1. H.E Manuel Jose Balaguer Salas, Duta Besar dari Kedutaan Republik Argentina;
2. H.E Ricardo Estanislao Morote Canales, Duta Besar dari Kedutaan Peru;
3. Encik Jose Ricardo Nesvara Vidal, Setiausaha Ketiga dari Kedutaan Chile;
4. Encik Marcelo Koiti Hasunuma, Kaunselor dari Kedutaan Brazil;
5. Puan Mariela Machado, Setiausaha Kedua dari Kedutaan Uruguay;
6. Encik Raul Sanchez Nino, Charge d'Affaires dari Kedutaan Colombia;
7. Encik Luis Enrique Vertiz, Timbalan Ketua Misi dari Kedutaan Mexico.
Tujuan lawatan ini adalah untuk mengeratkan hubungan antara Malaysia dan negara-negara Latin Amerika dan Caribbean, menggalakkan pertukaran budaya, meneroka peluang kerjasama akademik, dan meningkatkan persefahaman bersama. Lawatan ini termasuk perbincangan meja bulat antara saya dan tujuh duta yang dikendalikan oleh Dr. Hajah Zainab. Semasa perbincangan meja bulat selama satu jam ini, setiap duta telah mengambil peluang untuk mencadangkan hubungan akademik dan penyelidikan serta aktiviti pertukaran budaya. Antara aktiviti yang dicadangkan untuk kerjasama ialah:
1. Kuliah duta;
2. Seksyen Koleksi Amerika Latin dan Caribbean di perpustakaan;
3. Budaya bola sepak;
4. Festival Filem/ Filem / Muzik Amerika Latin;
5. Penyelidikan Hutan hujan/ Bakau/ Perlindungan hidupan karang (yang dapat memberi ruang kepada penyelidik);
6. Pengambilan kakitangan antarabangsa
Di akhir perbincangan, setiap duta menerima buku Coffee Talk With Rozie (CTWR) yang baru diterbitkan sebagai tanda penghargaan. Saya menjemput mereka untuk melihat CTWR 2023 Sesi 1, yang dijadualkan pada 16 Februari 2023 (keesokan harinya). Saya menerangkan kepada mereka bahawa CTWR sama seperti Oprah Talkshow, dan saya adalah hos kepada rancangan bual bicara tersebut. Mereka sangat kagum dengan maklumat langsung yang mereka terima. Saya berharap, lawatan ini akan menjadi peluang terbaik untuk memperluaskan pertukaran akademik, penyelidikan, dan budaya, dan membina hubungan yang berterusan yang telah terjalin semasa lawatan ini.







“Courtesy Visit Of Ambassadors From Latin America And Caribbean Countries To The Office Of The UiTM Vice-Chancellor,” Minda Naib Canselor UiTM, accessed September 18, 2024,

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